東京海洋大学 越中島キャンパス

下野研究室 研究論文

T. Kusano & K. Shimono: Slant of a Surface Shifts Binocular Visual Direction, 2018, Vision, 2, 20; doi:10.3390/vision2020020

S. Aida, B. Kusano, B., K. Shimono, & W. J. Tam: Overestimation of the number of elements in a three dimensional stimulus, 2015, Journal of Vision, 15(9):23, 1–16, doi:10.1167/15.9.23.

S. Aida, K. Shimono, & W. J. Tam: Magnitude of perceived depth of multiple stereo transparent surfaces, 2014, Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 77, 190–206. doi.10.3758/s13414-014-0746-8

草野勉・下野孝一: 視方向研究の最近の動向, 2013, 心理学評論, 56, 392-413

相田紗織・下野孝一: 立体視アノマリー研究小史:立体視の下位機構,両眼性課題の成績,立体視アノマリーの分布, 2012, 心理学評論, 55, 264-283

H. Higashiyama & K. Shimono: Apparent depth of pictures reflected by a mirror: The plastic effect, 2012 Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 74, 1522 – 1532.

W.J Tam, F. Speranza, S. Yano, K. Shimono, and H. Ono: Stereoscopic 3D-TV: Visual Comfort, 2011, IEEE Transactions on Broadcast, 57, 335-346

K. Shimono, S. Shioiri, & H. Yaguchi: Psychophysical evidence for a purely binocular color system, 2009, Vision Research, 49, 200-210

K. Shimono, W. J. Tam, & H. Ono: Apparent motion of monocular stimuli in different depth planes with lateral head movements, 2007, Vision Research, 47, 1027–1035

K. Shimono, & H, Egusa: Effect of binocular eye position on perceived depth with double images, 2005, Japanese Journal of Psychology, 47, 188-195

K. Shimono, W. J. Tam, N. Asakura, & M, Ohmi: Localization of monocular stimuli in different depth planes, 2005, Vision Research, 45, 2631-2641

A. Higashiyama, & K. Shimono: Perceived separation, perceived size, and perceived distance of virtual images in mirrors, 2004, Perception & Psychophysics, 66, 679-691

K. Shimono, W. J. Tam, L. Stelmach, & E. Hildreth: Perceived motion of stereoscopic images with lateral head movements, 2002, Perception & Psychophysics

K. Shimono, & N. J. Wade: Monocular alignment in different depth planes, 2002, Vision Research

A. Higashiyama, Y. Yokoyama, & K. Shimono: Perceived distance of targets in convex mirrors, 2001

H. Ono, K. Shimono, S. Saida, & Ujike Transformation of the visual-line value in binocular vision: Stimuli on corresponding points can be seen in two different visual directions

K. Shimono, W. J. Tam, & S. Nakamizo: Wheatstone-Panum limiting case: binocular occlusion, binocular camouflage, and vergence-induced disparity cues, 1999, Perception & Psychophysics

K. Shimono, H. Ono, S. Saida, & A. Mapp: Methodological caveats for monitoring binocular eye position with Nonius stimuli, 1998, Vision Research,

A. Higashiyama & K. Shimono: How accurate is size and distance perception for very far terrestrial objects? Function and causality

H. Ono, K. Shimono, & K. Shibuta: Occlusion as a depth cue in the Wheatstone-Panum limiting case, 1992, Perception & Psychophysics

K. Shimono: Evidence for the subsystems in stereopsis: fine and coarse stereopsis, 1984, Japanese Psychological Research