Kazutaka Yanase
Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Marine Biosciences

Ph.D. (Marine Science), The Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
M.Sc. (Fishery), The Tokyo University of Fishery
B.Eng. (Industrial Engineering and Management), Waseda University

I was involved in the Fish Behaviour laboratory in 2002. Since then, I have carried out various field and laboratory researches associated with impact of fishing on marine ecosystem in Australia and Japan. My research activities to date have been guided by my research philosophy that is based on interdisciplinary context across behavioral study of fish, hydrodynamics and fishing gear technology.

Current Research Interests

1. Fish physiology, especially in the mechano-sensory system and muscular/cardio-physiology of the swimming exercise.
2. Functional morphology and evolutionary biomechanics of aquatic locomotion in fishes
3. Conservation ecology including the following specific topics:
ivasive species problem, impact of fishing activity on marine organisms, and fishing gear performance such as catchability, selectivity, and other things
4. Underwater observation using video camera and monitoring instrument for a greater understanding of fish behaviour in relation to the capture process of various types of fishing gear.


Reviewed paper

1. Yanase, K., Eayrs, S., & Arimoto, T. (2007). Influence of water temperature and fish length on the maximum swimming speed of sand flathead, Platycephalus bassensis: implications for trawl selectivity, Fisheries Research 84, 180-188.
2. Yanase, K., & Arimoto, T. (2007). Quantitative assessment of behavioural response to the netting panel in the jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus, Journal of Fish Biology 71, 265-271.
3. Yanase, K., & Arimoto, T. (2007). A hydro-mechanical approach to the scaling of the swimming performance in the sand flathead Platycephalus bassensis: effects of changes in morphological features based on fish size, Journal of Fish Biology (in press)
4. Yanase, K., Eayrs, S., & Arimoto, T. (2007). Quantitative analysis of behaviour of sand flathead (Platycephalus bassensis) during trawl capture process as determined by real-time multiple observations, ICES Symposium volume in the series of ICES Journal of Marine Science (under review).

Non-reviewed paper

Yanase, K., & Arimoto, T. (2007). Review of global issue of the at-sea discards and implications for demersal trawl fisheries for finfish. In the report by the Capture Fisheries Communication Group of the Japanese Society of Fisheries Science: Anraku, Y. & Matsuoka, T. (Eds), the International Seminar on Assessment of Discards in Capture Fisheries, Published by the Kagoshima University (in press).

Conference Presentation

Mahjoub, M. S., Harada, M., Yanase, K., Hayashi, S., Arimoto, T., & Tokai, T. (2007). A verbal presentation (by M. S. Mahjoub) entitled eEstimation of codend selectivity for swordtip squid from trouser trawl experimentf at the annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries in Tokyo, Japan.

Nofrizal, Yanase, K., & Arimoto, T. (2007). A verbal presentation (by Nofrizal) entitled eSwimming performance of the jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus with the electrocardiographic (ECG) monitoringf at the annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries in Tokyo, Japan.

Yanase, K., Eayrs, S., & Arimoto, T. (2007). A poster presentation entitled eSimultaneous real time underwater observations of trawl capture processf at the annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries in Tokyo, Japan.

Yanase, K., Eayrs, S., & Arimoto, T. (2006). A verbal presentation (by K. Yanase) entitled eSwimming performance of a commercially important sand flathead (Platycephalus bassensis): implications for an Australian trawl fisheryf at ICES marine symposium in Boston, U.S.A.

Yanase, K., Eayrs, S., & Arimoto, T. (2004). A verbal presentation (by K. Yanase) entitled eThe maximum swimming speed of the sand flathead Platycephalus bassensisf at the annual meeting of the Japan Society of Scientific Fishery, Kagoshima, Japan.

Professional Society & Contribution

The Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries

Yanase, K. (2007). The report of the ICES 2006 Boston Symposium on Fishing Technology in the 21st Century: Integrating Fishing and Ecosystem Conservation. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 73 (3), p. 519.

All photos & figures are copyrighted by Kazutaka Yanase.
Last updated Thursday October 11, 2007