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Abstracts list of Research

Underwater Irradiance Distribution of Fishing Lights Used by small-type Squid Jigging Boat. Nippon SuisanGakkaishi.Vol62,No.3,May,1996.
Horizontal Illuminance of Small Size Squid Jigging Boat Light Source. Nippon SuisanGakkaishi.Vol63,No.2,May,1996.
Fishing light efficiency and optical classification in the squid jigging ground of Japan Sea(East Sea) Contribute to the Japanese Society of Fisheries Science 
漁船間の水中照度分布に関する検討 Oct.93. Meeting of the Japanese Society of Fisheries Science 
漁船間の水中照度分布と漁獲量 Apr.94. Meeting of the Japanese Society of Fisheries Science 
到達深度別釣獲実験と水中照度 Apr.95. Meeting of the Japanese Society of Fisheries Science 
イカ釣り漁場の光学的水型と集魚灯水中照度の検討 Apr.97. Meeting of the Japanese Society of Fisheries Science 
光力条件別漁獲量と適正光力の検討 Apr.95. Meeting of the Japanese Society of Fisheries Science 
集魚灯下でのスルメイカの分布と海中放射照度との関連 Oct.96. Meeting of the Japanese Society of Fisheries Science 
小型イカ釣り漁船の集団操業実態. Apr.97. Meeting of the Japanese Society of Fisheries Science 
韓国のイカ釣りについて. Oct.98. Meeting of the Japanese Society of Fisheries Science 
HOW TO STOP THE LIGHT WAR IN FISHING TECHNOLOGY?  Nov.98. The fifth Asian Fisheries Forum 
小型イカ釣り漁船集魚灯の線光源モデルによる水中照度分布解析 Apr.99. Meeting of the Japanese Society of Fisheries Science

 Underwater Irradiance Distribution of Fishing Lights Used by small-type Squid Jigging Boat.
Hisayuki Arakawa, Sokjin Choi, Takafumi Arimoto and Yoshihiko Nakamura
The spectral distribution of downward irradiance in the sea around a squid jigging boat (<30 Gt) was investigated with special reference to the type and total kW outputs of fishing lamps, in the fishing ground of Toyama Bay and off TsushimaIsland in june and November 1994, respectively.<br> The downward irradiance distributions in the waters shallower than 20m depth and within the horizontal distance from the bow to the stern of the boat show coaxial semicircles in shape with a center at the midship position of the boat; Below 30m depth, the downward irradiance, however, are almost equally distributed in horizontal directions so far as the same aforementioned distance is concerned.
The downward irradiances in the water just under the boat is considerably lower when compared them withthose around the boat.Such differences are decreased with increasing depth in irradiance intensity, and the almost disappear in the depth more then 30m.
When the vertical profiles(510nm wavelength) of underwater irradiances from 0-100m athwartship of the midship position are compared one after another in accordance with the different wattage fishing lamps, if the wattage of the fishing lights are inthe ratios 80kW:150kW:240kW, the irradiated areas more than 10-2μW・cm-2・nm-1 are in the ratios 1:1.4:1.8, respectively. This increase is not proportional with the total kW ratio outputs of the fishing lamps.

 Horizontal Illuminance of Small Size Squid Jigging Boat Light Source. 
Sokjin Choi, Nakamura Yoshihiko and Arimoto Takafumi

Squid jigging boat fishing lamps are arranged between fore andstern masts.Fish lamp illuminance was calculated using a formu-la based on the line source concept and observed light illumina-nce in fishing ground.
Calculated and observed results are compared and one follows;Horizontal illuminance distribution calculated by point source and line source formulas resulted in circular and butterfly fo-rms respectively, of which the form derived from the line source method calculated to actual field distribution.
These results show that squid jigging boats fishing lamp illu-minance distribution patterns are more appropriately describe by the line source method. The rationalization of vessel to vessel distance during fishery operations (Y)and Total light power(kW) of ship A, B based on line source light illuminance calculation formula was expressed by the following equation:

 Fishing light efficiency and optical classification in the squid jigging ground of Japan Sea(East Sea)
Sokjin Choi, Hisayuki Arakawa, Yoshihiko Nakamura and Takafumi Arimoto

Optical characteristic were studied in the squid jigging fishing ground for the purpose to examine the fishing light efficiency according to the area and season in the Japan Sea. The optical water types on summer season in Japan Sea can be classified into the oceanic type II for Okushiri Island, oceanic type III - coastal type 1 for western Tsugaru Strait to eastern San-in offshore waters, and oceanic type III for San-in and Tsushima offshore waters, where the coastal type 1 - oceanic type III were determined in autumn. In considering the fishing light, efficiency the relative irradiance of 510nm wavelength was calculated as 2.77% in 50m water depth from the surface of the sea for the oceanic type III waters. The same index was 0.32% for oceanic type III and 0.22 for oceanic type III - coastal type 1 waters due to the higher attenuation coefficient. According to the optical observation in San-in and Tsushima fishing ground in autumn, the relative irradiance of fishing light can be estimated to be 14.5-18.4% in 50m depth than that of summer condition.

I. 漁船間の水中照度分布に関する検討
崔 淅珍・有元貴文(東水大)・長谷川英一(三重大)

【方法】実験は暗室内のアクリル製水槽(400×100×50cm)で行なった。光源として100V 40W の白熱灯を用い、これを変圧器によって照度を半減して、両者の作る水中照度分布を水中照度計(IU-2B)で測定した。この際、光源は水面から高さ 1m、光源と光源の間隔は 2m とし、水槽の内壁には光の反射を減ずるように黒い布をめぐらした。また、田内(1949年)、今村(1968年)の水中照度計算式を用いて、測定結果との比較を行った。これをもとに19トン漁船を例にとって放電灯光力150kWと75kWの2通りの条件で、船間距離別に水中照度分布の干渉を求めた。
【結果】水槽実験の結果については、水槽の大きさや暗室の壁面からの反射の影響を受けて水面付近での明るさが増やし、緩やかな等曲線を描いた。これに適合させる形で計算式の入力条件を補正し、ほぼ満足できる適合性を得た。これをもとに実際の操業条件での漁船間光力干渉を検討した結果、0.4マイルの距離で150 lxの場合1 lxレベルで、75kWの場合0.1 lxレベルで、影響はみられない結果であった。

U. 漁船間の水中照度分布と漁獲量

【方法】実験は1993年7月9日〜7月15日まで、新潟県佐渡島で行った。光力はいか釣操業船 18司丸と 38司丸の光力30kW, 75kW, 150kWを利用した。水中照度の測定は水中照度計(IU-2B)を用いて、単船と2船間の水中照度を測定した。単船の場合、光源直下から水平距離 60mまで 10m間隔で、水深は表面から 50mまで 5m間隔で測定した。また 2船間の水中照度は単船の測定と水平距離 船間距離/2,船間距離/4の時点の測定を加えて求めた。また、前報で報告した水中照度計算プロクラムによって計算された結果とフィ−ルドでの実験結果を比較して求めた。漁獲量の測定は 2船間距離 1マイルの間で時間別,光力条件別操業を比較測定した。
【結果】単船30kWの場合は電球の数と光力が小さい為、非常に暗くなっており、150kWの水中照度分布は船体すぐ近くに1000 lxから水深 30-50mでの 0.1 lxまで、75kWのほうは150kWに比べて各明るさの水中照度曲線の水深が半分になった。2船間の水中照度分布は船間距離0.2マイル,両船150kW条件で,0.01 lx の等照度曲線は2船間中央位置で水深約5mに位置した.船間距離を0.4マイルまで遠くした時は船間距離0.2マイルの場合と比べると,中央位置で 0.01 lxの水深が半分に浅くなった. 光力150kWと75kWの条件にした時は,75kWの側は150kWの光力に負けていて, 0.01 lx の等照度曲線のもっとも浅い部分は 75kWの船の方によっていた.船間距離 0.4マイルで両船75kWの条件の場合は,中央の 0.2マイルの位置で 0.01 lxのレベルは両船の影響はお互いになかった.漁獲実験での結果はは光力の大きさ別漁獲量の相関関係は見られなかった。

崔 淅珍・荒川久幸・酒井久治・有元貴文・中村善彦(東水大)


崔 淅珍・荒川久幸・中村善彦・有元貴文(東水大)

【方法】観測は1996年7月27日〜8月4日にかけて東京水産大学練習船神鷹丸(649Gt)に乗船し,日本海西部の福岡沖から北海道小樽沖にかけて合計9海域について行われた。各観測海域では海中分光放射照度計MER-2040(Biosherical社製)による水中分光放射照度,CTD(Biosherical社製)による水温,塩分,溶存酸素,濁度,クロロフィル量および透明度を測定した。波長別放射照度については測定波長を412,443,465,490,510,520,555,565,625,665,670,683nmの12波長とPAR(photosynthetically active radiation)とし,水深100mまで連続測定を行った。
【結果】各海域の水深別水中分光放射照度は490-510nmでの透過率がよく,555nmまでは水深80-90m,600nm以上では水深20-30mまで測定できた。Jerlovの光学的水型の分類によると対馬沖から山陰沖では外洋V型,隠岐島から津軽海峡入り口までは外洋V型あるいは沿岸1型,北海道小樽沖では外洋U型に該当した。また,490-510nmの波長について各水型別透過率を比較すると外洋V型では山陰沖で高く,日本海中部,対馬沖,福岡沖の順となり,外洋V型から沿岸1型では秋田県沖が高く,津軽海峡入り口,能登沖,兵庫県沖の順となった。 1994年の対馬沖と1995年の山陰沖について秋季に調査した結果と今回の測定結果を比較すると,海水の透過率は秋より夏の方が高かった。すなわち,対馬沖と山陰沖の海面直下の照度に対して,水深90mでは夏季に0.44-0.55%,秋季は0.02-0.04%の明るさが到達するものと算出された。

-Case Study for Coastal Squid Jigging Fishery in Japan
Sokjin CHOI (National Yosu University 195, Kuk-dong, Yosu, Chonnam KOREA), Takafumi ARIMOTO, Yoshihiko NAKAMURA and Hisayuki ARAKAWA(Tokyo University of Fisheries 4-5-7, Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo JAPAN)

The squid jigging fisheries in Japan has been greatly developed after the World WarU, through the technological developement of fishing lamps and the jigging machines. The lighting system to attract squid around the fishing boat was originally the torches,then kerosene lamps before the implementation of the electric lamps in mid-1930's. The incandescent lamps and halogen lamps were the major light source since 1950's, while the high intensity discharged lamps such as the Metal Halide lamps were introduced around mid-1970's for the purpose of energy saving, at first in larger ocean-giong boats around 300GT. In 1980's, the off-shore and coastal boats were gradually equipped with the Metal Halide lamps which was resulted into the higher competition of light output level to increase the catchability of squid jigging. Several trials had been challenged in each local region set the lower light output for coastal squid jigging since 1960's, however, nothing could stop this competition among jigging boats to have the higher output then other boats. The research activities to set the lower light output for the coastal squid jigging boat(Less then 30GT), the following approaches for the research project in 1993-1996 were conducted under the Coastal Squid Jigging Association, National Federation of Fisheries co-operation Association(ZENGYOREN) and the Fisheries Agency.
1) The statistics of boat size, jigging machines, fishing lamps and the daily catch data.
2) Measurement of the underwater light intensity for illuminance(Lux) and spectral irradiance (μW/cm2/nm), according to the light output of jigging boats.
3) Experimental operation to compare the catch between boats of different light outputs.
4) Acoustic observation with fish finder and scanning sonar, to locate the depth layer of squid school in relation to the underwater light intensity.
5)Oceanographic survey of to identify the optical water type for light transmission.
6) Rader observation on the distances among boats in the fishing ground.
The projects were conducted at the leading major ports of squid jigging fisheries such as Sado and Hakodate in 1993, at Noto and Tsushima in 1994, and at Sakai-minato in 1995, with the chartered jigging boats as well as the R/T Vessel, Shinyo-Maru of the Tokyo University of Fisheries. The discussion meeting was held among the fishers, managers and project research staff, to examine the results obtained in each survey area. Throught these programs, two different groups were identified as to set the regulation for the lower light output in one side and to keep the higher output as they had in the other side. this difference could be attributed to the light output level of each boat, as well as the fishing efforts including boat size, numbers of jigging machine, numbers of fisher and the acoustic devices such as fish-finder and sonar. All these factors were strongly related to the managing style for setting the income to investment ratio among boats. The answer on the optimum light output could not clearly obtained through the research activities due to the big unknown factor of squid behaviour how they could be attracted. However, as the conclusion or the standing point, the higher light output may damage the other boats of lower output in case of the short-distance operation in the fishing ground. From the view points of resource management on the cooperation bases how to share the resources among boats, with the vague conclusion on the optimum output level, the Association decided the regulation as to be 180kW for the coastal jigging boats in 1997. The research project with the comparative fishing will be going on for another 5 years, to give the scientific tools for setting the optimum light output on the base toward the cooperation from the competition.

崔 淅珍・荒川久幸・有元貴文・中村善彦(東水大)

【目的】小型イカ釣り漁船の集魚灯配置について,線光源の概念を用いた水中照度計算理論式を作成し, 漁船中央横断面方向の水中照度分布を光源出力条件別に作図した。 これを操業現場での水中照度測定結果と比較し,計算式との適合性について検討した。
【方法】水中照度の実測は1994年10月2日に長崎県対馬沖の漁場において,豊玉町船籍の小型イカ釣り漁船(16.0Gt. 20.5,)によって実施した。集魚灯はメタルハライド灯70 個(3kW;40個,4kW;30個)とハロゲン灯7個(3kW)であり,漁船中央部の水面から約3.5mの高さに2列配置であった。集魚灯光源出力条件は240,200kWおよび150kWに設定し,水中照度計Ishikawa IU-2B(最小目盛 0.2lx)を用いて水平 方向100mまで20m間隔,鉛直方向には水深50mまで1-5m間隔で測定を行った。また,水中照度計算については,従来の点光源とする方法に対して線光源モデル による結果を実測値と比較した。