This page is for Maritime English Instructors only. No student is allowed to view the test materials. To download the test materials, you need an id and a password. Please contact Dr. Takagi at TUMSAT: takagi@kaiyodai.ac.jp.

The test consists of the following 5 PARTS, and takes about 1.5 hours to administer.

Listening Section (approximately 25 minutes)

   Part I: Choose one statement that best describes a picture. (10 Questions)

   Part II: Find one right response to a question. (10 Questions)

   Part III: Listen to a conversation or a statement, and answer a question. (5 Questions)

Reading Section (1 hour)

   Part IV: Choose one item that best competes a sentence.  (15 Questions)

   Part V: Read a passage and answer several questions about it. (10 Questions)

To download, click here.

Acknowledgments: TUMSAT is grateful to Captain Keever and Chief Engineer Coyle from CMA for supervising the preparation of the listening questions and to Professor Cole for editing the DECK reading questions.

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