Marine Engineering Faculty in Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
Electric Power System Lab.                        Japanese



01, Dec, 2021     
An overview article “Overview of and Research Trends in Wireless Power Transfer Systems for Underwater Vehicles and Ships” has been published.
25, Nov, 2021     
Mr. Hiroaki TORII has a presentation of his research topic "Analysis of Biofouling Influence on Hull and Propeller Based on Observed Ship Data" on the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers(JASNAOE), 2021 Annual Autumn Meeting, Poster session.
02, Nov, 2021     
Mr. Nagayama belonging to our lab. won an excellent presentators award in the 91st Annual Marine Engineering Accademic Conference hosted by Japan Institute of Marine Engineering (26-28th, September, 2021)
13, Oct, 2021     
Dr. Komeda had a presentation "Resonant Frequency Characteristics of a
Wireless Power Transfer System based on Dual-Receiver Configuration
without Cross Coupling" in IECON 2021
10, Oct, 2021     
Dr. Komeda had a presentation "Characteristics of Buck/Boost Operation
in an Isolated DC-DC Converter based on a Phase-Shift Controlled
High-Frequency Inverter" in ECCE 2021.

30, Sep, 2021     
Large training ship "Shioji Maru" which has the latest and unique power system designed by Associate Prof. Kifune will be delivered on coming 13th October, eventually. "Shioji Maru" will be shown up on 14th October for our guests including delegates from government sector, industries, and mass medias.
30, Sep, 2021     
Associate Prof. Kifune will have an invited lecture "Fuel saving for ships: approach of power electronics" at the 36th Specialist Seminar "Carbon neutral world on power electronics" which is held by Institute of Power Electronics on 20th November.
27, Sep, 2021     
Mr. Nagayama had a presentation "Fuel saving performance of the battery system applied to the AC grid system for ships" at the 91th Marine Engineering Academic Conference which was held by Japan Institute of Marine Engineering on 28th September.
10, Sep, 2021     
Mr. Norichika NAGAYAMA who belongs to my laboratory won an award for excellent presentator on the 11th conference for students of Tokyo chapter in the institute of electric engineers of Japan .
27, Aug, 2021     
Mr. Norichika NAGAYAMA has a presentation of his research topic "Effectiveness of battery system applying to the onboard AC electric line system for large vessels" on the 11th conference for students of Tokyo chapter in the institute of electric engineers of Japan .
25, Aug, 2021     
Dr. Komeda will have a presentation "A Variable Frequency Control Method for a Dual-Active-Bridge AC-DC Converter with an Active Energy Buffer" in IEEJ JIASC 2021.
21, Jun, 2021     
Dr. Komeda will have a presentation "An Isolated Single-Phase AC-DC Converter based-on a Dual Active Bridge Converter and an Active Energy Buffer Circuit" in ISIE 2021-Kyoto
26, May, 2021     
Dr. Komeda will have a presentation "Characteristics of Primary
Parallel Compensation Methods for Wireless Power Transfer Systems" in ECCE ASIA 2021.
21, Jan, 2021     
Dr. Komeda had a presentation "A Dual Active Bridge AC-DC Converter with an Active Energy Buffer" in the regular conference of SPC on 25th January 2021