Marine Engineering Faculty in Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
Electric Power System Lab.                        Japanese



01, Nov, 2022     
Assistant Professor Komeda will give a lecture at the Faculty of Marine Engineering Open Lecture (online) scheduled to be held on November 19.
If you are interested in research activities at our university or are considering taking the exam, please join us. Please check the link screen for details.
27, Oct, 2022     
Mr. Torii belonging to our lab. won an excellent presentators award in the 92st Annual Marine Engineering Accademic Conference hosted by Japan Institute of Marine Engineering (26-28th, October, 2022)
17, Oct, 2022     
Mr. Hiroaki TORII will have a presentation "Analysis of the Influence of Propeller Fouling on the Shaft Power Due to the Long Immobility Periods" in Japan Institute of Marine Engineering (26-28th, October, 2022) .
17, Oct, 2022     
Mr. Rin ARAI will have a presentation "Proposal of wireless power transfer for underwater probes using multiple power sources" in Japan Institute of Marine Engineering (26-28th, October, 2022) .
17, Oct, 2022     
Mr. Kazunori HIRAGA will have a presentation "Fuel Saving Effects on Slow Steaming and its Limitation for Small Boat" in Japan Institute of Marine Engineering (26-28th, October, 2022) .
14, Oct, 2022     
Mr. Inami a will have a presentation "A Wireless Power Transfer System with Parallel-Compensated Dual Receivers for Underwater Vehicles" in IAMUS 2022.
09, Oct, 2022     
Dr. Komeda a will have a presentation "Boost Operation of a Dual-Active-Bridge AC-DC Converter with an Active Energy Buffer" in ECCE 2022.
07, Sep, 2022     
Mr. Kain ARAI had a presentation "A Dead Time Compensation Method fora Dual-Active-Bridge AC-DC Converter " in IEEJ JIASC 2022.
08, Jun, 2022     
The laboratory tour period for third-year undergraduate students will begin. A face-to-face laboratory tour will be held on the following schedule.
6/15 (Wednesday) 13:00, 6/17 (Friday) 16:20
6/22 (Wednesday) 13:00, 7/1 (Friday) 16:20
If you would like to participate, please come to Room 508 on the 5th floor of the 3rd Experiment Building.

11, May, 2022     
Dr. Komeda will have a presentation "A Variable Switching Frequency Control Method for a Dual-Active-Bridge Single-Phase AC-DC Converter with an Active Energy Buffer" in IPEC2022 Himeji(ECCE ASIA 2022).
23, Mar, 2022     
Dr. Komeda will have a presentation “Boost Operation of a Dual-Active-Bridge AC-DC Converter with an Active Energy Buffer” in 2022 IEE-Japan Annual Meeting.
17, Feb, 2022     
Dr. Komeda receive excellent presentation award in technical meeting of semiconductor power conve rter, IEE Japan.
Dr. Komeda receive excellent presentation award in 2021 IEE-Japan Industry Applications Society Conference.