国立大学法人 東京海洋大学


Photo by  Hirofumi Sasaki, Joyfull Jyuzen Corp.

佐々木剛 1966 年生まれ。東京海洋大学海洋科学部海洋政策文化学科教授。専門分野:水圏環境教育学、水産教育学、水圏環境リテラシープログラム。 1990 年東京水産大学水産学部水産養殖学科卒。 1990 年〜 2006 年岩手県立宮古水産高等学校教諭。その間 1997 年上越教育大学大学院修士課程, 2004 年東京水産大学水産学研究科博士後期課程修了。 2008 年カルフォルニア大学バークレー校訪問研究員。 2006 4月准教授,20184月より現職。博士(水産学)。著書に、『日本の海洋資源』(祥伝社),『水圏環境教育の理論と実践』(成山堂書店)(単著),『魚類環境生態学入門』(東海大学出版会)、『水族館の仕事』(東海大学出版会)、『里海探偵団が行く!』(農文協)、『写真で見る自然環境再生』(オーム社)(以上共著)他,岩手県大槌町,宮古市での東日本大震災における復興支援の教育活動が認められ, 2013 アメリカ海洋教育学会会長賞, 2016 ジャパンレジリエンスアワード金賞受賞。2017年ユネスコIOCオーシャンリテラシーツールキットに掲載。

Tsuyoshi Sasaki, Ph.D.


• Professor of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

• Director, Japanese Aquatic Marine Environmental Education Association (JAMMEA)

• Chairman, Asia Marine Educators Association (AMEA)


•Dr. Tsuyoshi Sasaki is Professor for Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Director of Japan Aquatic Marine Environmental Education Association, serving in this capacity since 2006. His responsibilities are to link scientist, government, school, and communities ranging from aquaculture to water quality to fisheries and ecotourism across different disciplines to solve problems that stretch from the mountain to the coast. Taking this community-ecosystem-based approach, it is the idea that aquatic marine environmental education programs will integrate environmental, economic, and social expertise to find local sustainable solutions.

Tsuyoshi has 16 years teaching experience in Fisheries High School, He has worked at the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology since 2006. He also teaches courses in Science teacher education, and Environmental Reader Training Program to enhance Aquatic Marine Environmental Literacy. He has served in development of Watershed Community Resilience Program (WCRP) in MIyako city devastated by 3.11 Tsunami, Tokyo Bay Water Clearance Program (TBWC) with Junior High School, Minato-ward, Tokyo, and ocean awareness enhancement project (OAEP) cooperated with Seaweeds Museum Program in Ota-ward, Tokyo Bay through enhancing Aquatic Marine Environmental Literacy.

   He has a Ph.D. in ecological research of Pond smelt  Hypomesus nipponensis from Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology; and M.S. degree in Science Education andB.A. degrees in Ecology of Jellyfish  Aurelia aurita in Tokyo Bay from Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology.



 白梅学園短期大学常勤講師, 筑波大学下田臨海実験センター技術職員,

 海技教育機構(航海士,教官) 岩手県教育委員会(教諭),東京都教育委員会(教諭),








 海外青年協力隊(環境教育担当) ,本庄市役所事務職(環境教育等担当)

