

  • Hamasaki K, Su Z, Dan S (2025) Effects of cheliped autotomy on female reproductive performance in the porcellanid crab Petrolisthes japonicus (De Haan, 1849) (Decapoda: Anomura: Porcellanidae) under laboratory conditions. Journal of Crustacean Biology 45, Ruaf006. https://doi.org/10.1093/jcbiol/ruaf006
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  • Kamei Y, Dan S, Takeshima S, Sakiyama K, Ito A, Sekizawa A, Hamasaki K (2025) Factors affecting survival and growth of the East Asian common octopus (Octopus sinensis) paralarvae reared from hatching to settlement in upwelling tanks at different scales of mass production. Aquaculture 598, 741958. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2024.741958


  • Takeda Y, Hamasaki K, Dan S (2024) Feeding behaviour of juveniles of the varunid crab Gaetice depressus (Decapoda: Brachyura: Varunidae). Crustacean Research 53, 151-157. https://doi.org/10.18353/crustacea.53.0_151
  • Takeda Y, Kinoshita T, Dan S, Hamasaki K (2024) Body colour variation of juveniles within a single brood of the varunid crab Gaetice depressus (Decapoda: Brachyura: Varunidae). Crustacean Research 53, 9-16. https://doi.org/10.18353/crustacea.53.0_9
  • Sanudin N, Thien FY, Hamasaki K, Shapawi R, Yong ASK (2024) Dietary protein requirement of purple mud crab, Scylla tranquebarica during the megalopa-crab instar stages. Fisheries Science 90, 989-999. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12562-024-01818-6
  • Awa N, Dan S, Nagatsuka K, Sekiguchi Y, Shimba A, Anaguchi Y, Kamei Y, Hamasaki K (2024) Ontogeny of predatory capacity and prey choice during early life of the holobenthic octopus Amphioctopus fangsiao (d’Orbigny, 1841): switching prey-choice strategy. Marine Biology 171, 206. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00227-024-04527-x
  • Kobayashi S, Hamasaki K, Dan S (2024) Upper temperature and salinity tolerance of six freshwater shrimp species in the genera Caridina and Paratya (Decapoda: Caridea: Atyidae). Biogeography 26, 5-12.
  • Takeshima S, Dan S, Hamasaki K (2024) Hitchhiking on drifting seaweed reduces predation risk in juveniles of the swimming crab Portunus tritberculatus. Hydrobiologia 851, 5011–5021. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10750-024-05661-9
  • Yamamoto T, Yamashita F, Yoshikawa A, Hamasaki K (2024) Embryonic development of the red snow crab Chionoecetes japonicus (Decapoda: Oregoniidae), inhabiting the meso and bathypelagic zones of the Sea of Japan. Invertebrate Reproduction & Development 68, 129-134. https://doi.org/10.1080/07924259.2024.2375064
  • Yamamoto T, Sakuma K, Igeta Y, Hamasaki K (2024) Variations in vertical distribution of developing snow crab Chionoecetes opilio and red snow crab Chionoecetes japonicus (Crustacea, Decapoda, Majoidea) larvae in experimental temperature gradients. Invertebrate Reproduction & Development 68, 117-128. https://doi.org/10.1080/07924259.2024.2366243
  • Oomori N, Fujita A, Itoh T, Hamasaki K, Sunobe T (2024) Rushing and spawning behavior of the Kidako moray Gymnothorax kidako. Ichthyological Research. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10228-024-00986-w
  • Takeda Y, Hamasaki K, Dan S (2024) Sexual size dimorphisms of the pleons and chelipeds of the varunid crab Gaetice depressus (Decapoda: Brachyura: Varunidae) . Aquatic Animals 2024, AA2024-15. https://doi.org/10.34394/aquaticanimals.2024.0_AA2024-15
  • Tanaka M, Hamasaki K, Dan S (2024) Larval temperature and salinity adaptation of the amphidromous atyid shrimp Atyoida pilipes (Decapoda: Caridea: Atyidae). Crustacean Research 53, 85-95. https://doi.org/10.18353/crustacea.53.0_85
  • Hamasaki K, Takeda Y, Dan S (2024) Post-settlement growth and sexual dimorphism in the size and proportion of the body of the varunid crab Gaetice depressus (De Haan, 1833) (Decapoda: Brachyura: Varunidae) based on laboratory-reared material. Journal of Crustacean Biology 44, ruae033. htps://doi.org/10.1093/jcbiol/ruae033
  • Tanaka M, Hamasaki K, Dan S (2024) Low-temperature tolerance of juveniles of the atyid shrimp Atyopsis spinipes (Decapoda: Caridea: Atyidae). Crustacean Research 53, 113-119. https://doi.org/10.18353/crustacea.53.0_113
  • Spreitzenbarth S, Ureshino Y, Soma M, Shimba A, Kamei Y, Dan S (2024) The effectiveness and impact of disinfection with chlorine on embryos and early hatchlings of two Western Pacific octopus species. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society e13074. https://doi.org/10.1111/jwas.13074
  • 伊藤 寿茂, 柿野 亘, 成田 勝, 團 重樹, 竹内 基 (2024) 飼育下で観察されたカタドブガイ幼生の宿主魚類と初期発生. 水生動物 2024, AA2024-12. https://doi.org/10.34394/aquaticanimals.2024.0_AA2024-12
  • Yamamoto T, Hamasaki K (2024) Estimation of an optimum temperature for zoeal stage of the terrestrial hermit crabs using a thermodynamic Sharpe-Schoolfield-Ikemoto model. Aquatic Animals 2024, AA2024-10. https://doi.org/10.34394/aquaticanimals.2024.0_AA2024-10
  • Hamasaki K, Tanaka M, Dan S (2024) Larval performance of two amphidromous atyid shrimp species in the genus Atyopsis under different temperature and salinity conditions. Hydrobiologia 851, 2041-2052. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10750-023-05438-6
  • Yamamoto T, Yamasaki A, Kumaki Y, Maruyama K, Tega T, Maekawa R, Yamashita F, Hamasaki K (2024) Nondestructive method of estimating dry matter content in pereiopods of snow crab Chionoecetes opilio and red snow crab Chionoecetes japonicus (Decapoda: Oregoniidae) using a near-infrared spectrometer. Crustacean Research 53, 73-78. https://doi.org/10.18353/crustacea.53.0_73
  • Ohara R, Nakamoto Y, Dan S, Hamasaki K (2024) Effects of temperature on reproduction of the atyid shrimp species Caridina multidentata and Caridina typus (Decapoda: Caridea: Atyidae) under laboratory conditions. Aquatic Animals 2024, AA2024-5. https://doi.org/10.34394/aquaticanimals.2024.0_AA2024-5
  • Munakata K, Yamada R, Dan S, Hamasaki K (2024) Sex ratios in five amphidromous atyid shrimp species collected in the Banda River, Boso Peninsula, Japan. Aquatic Animals 2024, AA2024-4. https://doi.org/10.34394/aquaticanimals.2024.0_AA2024-4
  • Yamada R, Munakata K, Dan S, Hamasaki K (2024) Occurrence of amphidromous atyid shrimps in a small stream on the Boso Peninsula, Japan. Aquatic Animals 2024, AA2024-3.https://doi.org/10.34394/aquaticanimals.2024.0_AA2024-3


  • Hamasaki K, Osabe N, Morimoto K, Dan S (2023) Chela asymmetry and dimorphism in the red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii (Decapoda: Astacidea: Cambaridae). Crustacean Research 52. 97-108. https://doi.org/10.18353/crustacea.52.0_97
  • Hamasaki K, Dan S, Kawai T (2023) Reproductive biology of the red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii (Girard, 1852) (Decapoda: Astacidea: Cambaridae): A review. Journal of Crustacean Biology 43. 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1093/jcbiol/ruad057
  • Tanaka M, Hamasaki K, Dan S (2023) Dietary effects of phytoplankton and zooplankton on the larval survival, duration and growth of the atyid shrimp Atyopsis spinipes (Decapoda: Caridea: Atyidae) under laboratory conditions. Crustacean Research 52, 69-78. https://doi.org/10.18353/crustacea.52.0_69
  • Hamasaki K, Yoshimura A, Hashimoto H, Iwasaki T, Dan S (2023) Growth and developmental patterns based on RNA, DNA and protein content during early ontogeny of laboratory-reared greater amberjack Seriola dumerili. Aquatic animals 2023, AA2023-17. https://doi.org/10.34394/aquaticanimals.2023.0_AA2023-17
  • Dan S, Yamaji M, Kamei Y, Sakiyama K, Hamasaki K (2023) Antipredator strategy of paralarvae of East Asian common octopus Octopus sinensis d'Orbigny, 1841: causing rejection after engulfing by a fish, and subsequent ink release for distraction during escape. Marine Biology 170, 109. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00227-023-04250-z
  • Dan S, Yamamoto Y, Nishiwaki D, Matsunari H, Kado Y, Yamaki D, Takeshima S, Kamei Y, Hara S, Sakiyama K, Isojima N, Narita A, Hamasaki K (2023) Dietary effects of intensively reared zoeae of Portunus trituberculatus on survival and growth of paralarvae of the East Asian common octopus Octopus sinensis. Aquaculture 573, 739617. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2023.739617
  • Itoh T, Dan S, Kakino W (2023) Two further host species, Gymnogobius urotaenia and Poecilia reticulata, for glochidia of the freshwater unionid mussel Nodularia douglasia. Venus 81, 1-4. https://doi.org/10.18941/venus.81.1-4_93
  • Hamasaki K, Yoshimura Y, Iwasaki T, Hashimoto H, Dan S (2023) Prey selection of hatchery-reared larvae of greater amberjack Seriola dumerili. Aquatic Animals 2023, AA2023-7. https://doi.org/10.34394/aquaticanimals.2023.0_AA2023-7
  • Hamasaki K, Fang YD, Dan S (2023) Cheliped function in the porcellanid crab Petrolisthes japonicus: autotomy as an effective antipredator defence mechanism. Ethology Ecology & Evolution 35, 48-61. https://doi.org/10.1080/03949370.2021.2015450
  • Kawakami Y, Hamasaki K, Kondo S, Dan S (2023) Starvation tolerance of early stage zoeae of amphidromous and landlocked shrimp species in the genus Paratya (Decapoda: Caridea: Atyidae) under different salinity and temperature conditions. Crustacean Research 52, 1-13. https://doi.org/10.18353/crustacea.52.0_1
  • Chow S, Hamasaki K, Konishi K, Yanagimoto T, Wagatsuma R, Takeyama H (2023) Length and nucleotide sequence variation of the nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer 1 support “hermit to king” crab hypothesis. Crustacean Research, in press.
  • Nishimoto S, Hamasaki K, Dan S (2023) Artificial incubation and hatching of embryos of the red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii (Decapoda: Cambaridae). Crustacean Research 52, 23-30. https://doi.org/10.18353/crustacea.52.0_23
  • Oomori N, Hamasaki, K, Sunobe T (2023) Reproductive ecology, age, and growth of the Kidako moray Gymnothorax kidako from Tateyama Bay, Chiba, Japan. Ichthyological Research 70, 439-445. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10228-022-00902-0
  • Sanda T, Iwasaki T, Dan S, and Hamasaki K (2023) Effect of body size on cannibalism in early juvenile mud crab Scylla paramamosain (Decapoda: Brachyura: Portunidae) under laboratory conditions. Aquatic Animals 2023, AA2023-2. https://doi.org/10.34394/aquaticanimals.2023.0_AA2023-2
  • Hamasaki K, Kawakami Y, Kondo S, Sanda T, Dan S (2023) Survival and development strategy of starved early-stage-zoeae of five amphidromous shrimp species in the genus Caridina under different salinity and temperature conditions. Hydrobiologia 850, 137-150. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10750-022-05050-0
  • 團 重樹 (2023) マダコの初期生態. 月刊海洋 55 (11), 546-551.


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  • Yamamoto T, Sakuma K, Yoshikawa A, Igeta Y, Hamasaki K (2022) Changes in phototaxis, geotaxis, and sinking velocity in relation to larval development of snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) and red snow crab (Chionoecetes japonicus) under laboratory conditions. Aquatic Ecology 56, 1099-1111. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10452-022-09979-1
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  • Thien FY, Hamasaki K, Shapawi R, Kawamura G, de la Cruz-Huervana JJ,Yong ASK (2022) Effect of background tank color in combination with sand substrate and shelters on survival and growth of Scylla tranquebarica instar. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research 48, 241-246. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejar.2022.04.004
  • Hamasaki K, Wachi Y, Dan S (2022) Post-autotomy limb movement in the porcellanid crab Petrolisthes japonicus. Ethology Ecology & Evolution 34, 180-186. https://doi.org/10.1080/03949370.2021.1936653
  • Dan S, Kamei Y, Takeshima S, Yamashita K, Hamasaki K (2022) Stepwise changes in morphology during the settlement process in a merobenthic octopus, Octopus sinensis, raised in the laboratory. Invertebrate Biology 141, e12358. https://doi.org/10.1111/ivb.12358
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  • Watanabe T, Hamasaki K, Dan S, Kitada S (2021) Effect of salinity on survival and emigration behaviour during the sea-to-land transition of three terrestrial hermit crab species (Decapoda: Anomura: Coenobitidae) under laboratory conditions. Crustacean Research 50, 131-143. https://doi.org/10.18353/crustacea.50.0_131
  • Honda S, Hamasaki K, Dan S (2021) Effects of temperature and salinity on larval survival, duration and growth of the atyid shrimp Caridina serratirostris under laboratory conditions. Aquatic Animals AA2021-11. https://doi.org/10.34394/aquaticanimals.AA2021.0_AA2021-11
  • Dan S, Nagatsuka K, Matsuki M, Nagakura K, Yamamoto Y, Shibasaki S, Yamashita K, Anaguchi Y, Kamei Y, Hamasaki K (2021) Shelter preference and utilisation behaviour of small benthic octopus Amphioctopus fangsiao d'Orbigny for brooding under laboratory conditions. Aquatic Animals AA2021-9. https://doi.org/10.34394/aquaticanimals.AA2021.0_AA2021-9_9
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  • Yamamoto T, Ueda, Y, Hamasaki K (2021) Effect of temperature on red snow crab Chionoecetes japonicus (Crustacea, Decapoda, Majoidea) larval survival, development, and growth under laboratory conditions. Invertebrate Reproduction & Development 65, 235-245. https://doi.org/10.1080/07924259.2021.1958933
  • Hamasaki K, Kondo S, Dan S (2021) Larval performance of amphidromous and landlocked atyid shrimp species in the genus Paratya under different temperature and salinity conditions. Zoological Studies 60, 45. https://doi.org/10.6620/ZS.2021.60-45
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  • Sanda T, Shimizu T, Dan S, Hamasaki K (2021) Effect of body size on cannibalism in juvenile mud crab Scylla serrata (Decapoda: Brachyura: Portunidae) under laboratory conditions. Crustacean Research 50, 87-93. https://doi.org/10.18353/crustacea.50.0_87
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  • Dan S, Shibasaki S, Takasugi A, Takeshima S, Yamazaki H, Ito A, Hamasaki K (2021) Changes in behavioural patterns from swimming to clinging, shelter utilization and prey preference of East Asian common octopus Octopus sinensis during the settlement process under laboratory conditions. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 539, 151537. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jembe.2021.151537
  • Hamasaki K, Dan S (2021) Seasonal changes in the sexual size dimorphisms of the chelipeds and pleons of the porcellanid crab Petrolisthes japonicus. Zoological Studies 60, 18. https://doi.org/10.6620/ZS.2021.60-18
  • Oda K, Hashimoto H, Teruya K, Dan S, Hamasaki K (2021) Ammonia tolerance of Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus: Implications for cost reduction in a skipjack pole-and-line fishery. Aquatic Animals AA2021-1. https://doi.org/10.34394/aquaticanimals.AA2021.0_AA2021-1_1
  • Hamasaki K, Ishii M, Dan S (2021) Seasonal variability in fecundity and egg size in the porcellanid crab Petrolisthes japonicus (Decapoda: Anomura: Porcellanidae). Crustacean Research 50, 17-27. https://doi.org/10.18353/crustacea.50.0_17
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  • Hamasaki K,Okada M, Nishimoto S, Dan S (2020) Larval performance of amphidromous and landlocked Atyid shrimp species in the genus Paratya under different feeding conditions. Zoological Studies 59, 70. https://doi.org/10.6620/ZS.2020.59-70
  • Hamasaki K, Nishimoto S, Okada M, Kimura A, Otsubo K, Dan S (2020) Dietary effects of phytoplankton and zooplankton on larval survival, duration and growth of four Caridina species (Decapoda: Caridea: Atyidae) under laboratory conditions. Crustacean Research 49, 225-236. https://doi.org/10.18353/crustacea.49.0_225
  • Yap SY, Hamasaki K, Maran BAV, Tuzan AD, Ch’ng CL, Lal TM (2020) First report of plant fungal pathogen Zasmidium musae associated with moribund eggs of ornate spiny lobster (Panulirus ornatus) in Sabah. Aquaculture Reports 18, 100500. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aqrep.2020.100500
  • Hamasaki K, Ishii M, Dan S (2020) Reproductive traits and population structure of the porcellanid crab Petrolisthes japonicus (Decapoda: Anomura: Porcellanidae). Crustacean Research 49, 121-132. https://doi.org/10.18353/crustacea.49.0_121
  • Dan S, Takasugi A, Iwasaki H, Shibasaki S, Oka M, Hamasaki K (2020) Ontogenic change in the vertical swimming of East Asian common octopus Octopus sinensis paralarvae under different water flow conditions. Aquatic Ecology 54, 795-812. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10452-020-09777-7
  • Hamasaki K, Saito Y, Ogiso Y, Fujie Y, Tabata K, Dan S, Kitada S (2020) Effect of temperature on larval survival, development and duration of six terrestrial hermit crab species under laboratory conditions. Aquatic Animals AA2020-6. https://doi.org/10.34394/aquaticanimals.AA2020.0_AA2020-6
  • Dan S, Takasugi A, Iwasaki H, Shibasaki S, Yamashita K, Hamasaki K (2020) Flocculation of Artemia induced by East Asian common octopus Octopus sinensis paralarvae under culture conditions. Aquaculture Reports 17, 100330. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aqrep.2020.100330
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  • Midorikawa Y, Shimizu T, Sanda T, Hamasaki K, Dan S, Lal TM, Kato G, Sano M (2020) Characterization of Aquimarina hainanensis isolated from diseased mud crab Scylla serrata larvae in a hatchery. Journal of Fish Diseases. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfd.13151
  • Ang CY, Sano M, Dan S, Leelakriangsak M, Lal TM (2020) Postbiotics applications as infectious disease control agent in Aquaculture. Biocontrol Science 25, 1-7. https://doi.org/10.4265/bio.25.1
  • Hamasaki K, Osabe N, Nishimoto S, Dan S, Kitada S (2020) Sexual dimorphism and reproductive status of the red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii. Zoological Studies 59, 7. https://doi.org/10.6620/ZS.2020.59-07
  • Kitada S (2020) Lessons from Japan marine stock enhancement and sea ranching programmes over 100 years. Reviews in Aquaculture 12, 1944-1969. https://doi.org/10.1111/raq.12418
  • Inutsuka S, Hamasaki K, Dan S, Kitada S (2020) Occurrence and distribution of early juvenile land hermit crabs at a small beach on the Boso Peninsula, Japan. Nauplius 28, e2020002. https://doi.org/10.1590/2358-2936e2020002
  • Kasuya N, Sanda T, Hamasaki K, Dan S, Kitada S (2020) Upper thermal tolerance of early juveniles of six terrestrial hermit crab species. Animal Biology 70, 39-53. https://doi.org/10.1163/15707563-20191119
  • 竹島 利・團 重樹・隋 玉明・大城将希・浜崎活幸(2020)ガザミPortunus trituberculatus (Miers, 1876) メガロパおよび初期稚ガニの胸脚の相対成長について(2019年度日本甲殻類学会・学会賞受賞論文研究紹介).Cancer 29, 1-6. https://doi.org/10.18988/cancer.29.0_1


  • Sanda T, Hamasaki K, Dan S, Kitada S (2019) Expansion of the Northern Geographical Distribution of Land Hermit Crab Populations: Colonization and Overwintering Success of Coenobita purpureus on the Coast of Boso Peninsula, Japan. Zoological Studies 58, 25. doi:10.6620/ZS.2019.58-25
  • 浜崎活幸,犬塚創志,團 重樹,北田修一(2019)三浦半島と房総半島におけるムラサキオカヤドカリの越冬と抱卵.日本生物地理学会報 74,8-12.
  • 三田哲也,浜崎活幸(2019)石垣島於茂登岳におけるオカヤドカリCoenobita cavipesの観察記録.Cancer 28, e129-e130.
  • 笹塚 諒,浜崎活幸,團 重樹(2019)オオトゲオカヤドカリの若齢個体.Cancer,e105-e107.
  • Sasazuka M, Hamasaki K, Dan S (2019) Shell utilization and shell-shedding behaviour by the land hermit crab Coenobita spinosus. Ethology Ecology & Evolution 31, 544-556. doi:10.1080/03949370.2019.1630013
  • Yamamoto T, Yamada T, Honda N, Hamasaki K (2019) Metamorphosis season from megalopa to the first crab stage in snow crab Chionoecetes opilio and red snow crab C. japonicus (Crustacea, Decapoda, Majoidea) in the Sea of Japan, estimated from captive culture. Invertebrate Reproduction and development 63, 241-247. doi:10.1080/07924259.2019.1626775
  • Yamamoto T, Kodama K, Oma N, Hamasaki K (2019) Rare phenomenon: Attempted extra moult in a terminally moulted ovigerous snow crab Chionoecetes opilio (Fabricius, 1788) (Decapoda, Majoidea) from the Sea of Japan. Crustaceana 92, 763-766.
  • Dan S, Iwasaki H, Takasugi A, Shibasaki S, Yamazaki H, Oka M, Hamasaki K (2019) Effects of co-supply ratios of swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus zoeae and Artemia on survival and growth of East Asian common octopus Octopus sinensis paralarvae under an upwelling culture system. Aquaculture Research 50, 1361-1370.
  • Sanda T, Hamasaki K, Dan S, Kitada S (2019) Low-temperature tolerance of early juveniles of six terrestrial hermit crab species. Animal Biology 69, 349-364.
  • Kitada S, Nakajima K, Hamasaki K, Shishidou H, Waples RS, Kishino H (2019) Rigorous monitoring of a large-scale marine stock enhancement program demonstrates the need for comprehensive management of fisheries and nursery habitat. Scientific Reports 9, 5290.
  • Ohashi K, Hamasaki K, Dan S, Kitada S (2019) Artificial incubation and hatching of embryos of the coconut crab Birgus latro (Decapoda: Anomura: Coenobitidae). Crustacean Research 48, 1-10.


  • 三田哲也,浜崎活幸,團 重樹,北田修一(2018)鹿児島県宝島と高知県大月町沿岸域におけるオカヤドカリ類の分布.日本生物地理学会会報 73, 87-94.
  • Takeshima S, Dan S, Sui Y, Oshiro M, Hamasaki K (2018) Relative growth of pereiopods of the megalopa and early juveniles of Portunus trituberculatus (Miers, 1876) (Brachyura: Portunidae). Crustacean Research 47, 125-136.→日本甲殻類学会賞
  • Hamasaki K, Saeki E, Mizuta K, Tanabe M, Yamazaki I, Sanda T, Fujikawa S, Dan S, Kitada S (2018) Tolerance of low salinity by larvae in six terrestrial hermit crab species (Decapoda: Anomura: Coenobitidae). Crustacean Research 47, 101-110.
  • Fujikawa S, Hamasaki K, Dan S, Kitada S (2018) Emigration behaviour, moulting and survival during the sea-to-land transition of land hermit crabs Coenobita violascens and Coenobita rugosus under laboratory conditions: Effects of salinity and riverine odours. Biogeography 20, 111-121.
  • Fujikawa S, Hamasaki K, Dan S, Kitada S (2018) Settlement behaviour of the early megalopae of the land hermit crab Coenobita violascens (Decapoda: Coenobitidae) under laboratory conditions: Effects of inshore odours and salinity. Biogeography 20, 21-33.
  • Dan S, Ashidate M, Yamashita T, Hamasaki K (2018) Effects of thermal disinfection and autoclave sterilisation on the quality of microalgae concentrates. Aquaculture Research 49, 3559-3568.
  • Iwasaki T, Inoue N, Teruya K, Hamasaki K (2018) Osteological development and deformities in hatchery-reared longtooth grouper (Epinephelus bruneus): vertebral column, dorsal-fin supports and caudal-fin skeleton. Aquaculture Research 49, 3245-3257.
  • Hamasaki K, Sugiyama A, Jinbo T, Murakami K (2018) The influence of male size on competitive mating success in the Japanese spiny lobster Panulirus japonicus (von Siebold, 1824) (Decapoda: Palinuridae): Implications for broodstock management techniques. Journal of Crustacean Biology 38, 393-400.
  • Dan S, Iwasaki H, Takasugi A, Yamazaki H, Hamasaki K (2018) An upwelling system for culturing common octopus paralarvae and its combined effect with supplying natural zooplankton on paralarval survival and growth. Aquaculture 495, 98-105.
  • Ichikawa T, Hamasaki K, Murakami K (2018) Survival, development and growth of larvae of the horsehair crab, Erimacrus isenbeckii, cultured under different photoperiod conditions. Aquaculture Research 49, 2511-2517.
  • Yamamoto T, Yamada T, Kinoshita T, Ueda Y, Yamasaki A, Hamasaki K (2018) Moult and growth in earlier and later moulters of adolescent male snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) (Brachyura: Majoidea) under laboratory conditions. Invertebrate Reproduction and Development 62(1), 49-55.
  • Kitada S (2018) Economic, ecological and genetic impacts of marine stock enhancement and sea ranching: a systematic review. Fish and Fisheries 19, 511-532.
  • Hamasaki K, Fujikawa S, Iizuka C, Sanda T, Tsuru T, Imai H, Kitada S (2018) Recruitment to adult habitats in terrestrial hermit crabs on the coast of Ishigakijima Island, Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan. Invertebrate Biology 13(1), 3-16.
  • Dan S, Yamazaki H, Hamasaki K (2018) Effects of mother and postnatal food condition on larval performance of swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus. Fisheries Science 84, 113-126.
  • 神保忠雄,水本 泰,村上恵祐,浜崎活幸(2018)イセエビフィロソーマ幼生の成長に伴う走光性の変化.日本水産学会誌 84(3),361-368.
  • 三田哲也, 浜崎活幸, 飯塚千香子, 北田修一(2018)父島と八丈島沿岸域におけるオカヤドカリ類の分布. 日本生物地理学会会報 72, 65-74.
  • 水流拓馬,浜崎活幸,三田哲也,藤河俊介,北田修一(2018)鳩間島におけるオカヤドカリ類の分布特性.日本生物地理学会会報 72, 75-85.
  • 三田哲也,浜崎活幸,原田靖子,團 重樹,北田修一(2018)与那国島沿岸域におけるオカヤドカリ類の分布.Cancer 27, 51-53.
  • 三田哲也,浜崎活幸(2018)奄美大島におけるオカヤドカリCoenobita cavipesの記録.Cancer 27, 55-56.
  • 笹塚 諒,浜崎活幸(2018)ヤシガニ幼体の防衛行動.Cancer 27, 57-59.


  • Hamasaki K, Fujikawa S, Sanda T, Tsuru T, Kitada S (2017) Distributions of land hermit crabs (Decapoda: Coenobitidae) on the coast of the tidal lagoon, Nagura Amparu, on Ishigakijima Island, Japan. Biogeography 19, 142-149.
  • Hamasaki K, Tsuru T, Sanda T, Fujikawa S, Dan S, Kitada S (2017) Ontogenetic change of body color patterns in laboratory-raised juveniles of six terrestrial hermit crab species. Zootaxa 4226(4), 521-545.
  • Takeshima S, Dan S, Kaneko T, Ashidate M, Hamasaki K (2017) Settlement behavior of the megalopa and the early juveniles of Portunus trituberculatus (Miers, 1876) (Brachyura: Portunidae) under laboratory conditions. Journal of Crustacean Biology 37(6), 667-673.
  • Yamamoto, T, Jinbo T, Hamasaki K (2017) Intrinsic optimum temperature for the development of decapod crustacean larvae based on a thermodynamic model. Journal of Crustacean Biology 37(3), 272-277.
  • Jinbo T, Sugiyama A, Murakami K, Hamasaki K (2017) Reproductive potential of the Japanese spiny lobster Panulirus japonicus (von Siebold, 1824) (Decapoda: Palinuridae) male: implications for broodstock management techniques. Journal of Crustacean Biology 37(4), 458-464.
  • Jinbo T, Sugiyama A, Murakami K, Hamasaki K (2017) Effects of body size on mating behavior and spawning success of Japanese spiny lobster Panulirus japonicus (von Siebold, 1824) (Decapoda: Palinuridae): implications for broodstock management techniques. Journal of Crustacean Biology 37(1), 90-98.
  • Kitada S, Nakamichi R, Kishino H (2017) The empirical Bayes estimators of fine-scale population structure in high gene flow species. Molecular Ecology Resources 17, 1210–1222.
  • Kitada S, Nakajima K, Hamasaki K (2017) Population panmixia and demographic expansion of a highly piscivorous marine fish, Scomberomorus niphonius. Journal of Fish Biology 91, 1435–1448.
  • Iwasaki T, Teruya K, Mizuta S, Hamasaki K (2017) Swim bladder inflation as a possible cause of saddleback-like syndrome malformation in hatchery-reared red spotted grouper Epinephelus akaara. Fisheries Science 83, 447-454.
  • Hamasaki K, Iizuka C, Sanda T. Imai H, Kitada S (2016) Phylogeny and phylogeography of the land hermit crab Coenobita purpureus (Decapoda: Anomura: Coenobitidae) in the Northwestern Pacific Region. Marine Ecology 38, e12369.
  • Kitada S, Yoshikai R, Fujita T, Hamasaki K, Nakamichi R, Kishino H (2017) Population structure and persistence of Pacific herring following the Great Tohoku earthquake. Conservation Genetics 18, 423-437.
  • 藤田智也, 北田修一, 原田靖子, 石田ゆきの, 佐野祥子, 大場沙織, 菅谷琢磨, 浜崎活幸, 岸野洋久(2017)ミトコンドリアDNAの塩基配列から推測した日本産ニシンの集団構造と個体群動態史. 日本水産学会誌 83, 163-173.
  • 藤河俊介,浜崎活幸,三田哲也,石山尚樹,水流拓馬,團 重樹,北田修一(2017)石垣島と西表島沿岸域におけるオカヤドカリ類の分布特性. 日本生物地理学会会報 71 25-38.
  • 浜崎活幸(2017)Q2ヤシガニってカニの仲間ですか?(p.4-6),Q22養殖されているエビやカニはどのくらいいるの?(p.62-64)『エビ・カニの疑問50』(分担)(日本甲殻類学会編)成山堂書店,東京.
  • 三田哲也,浜崎活幸(2017)西表島で採集されたオカヤドカリの奇形個体.Cancer 26, 51-52.
  • 森川英祐,渡邉隆司,浜崎活幸(2017)オウギガニの胃咀嚼器断面観察による年齢査定の試み.Cancer 26, 53-58.


  • Iwasaki T, Mizuta S, Kogane T, Sato J, Dan S, Hamasaki K (2016) Process and timing of initial swim bladder inflation of longtooth grouper Epinephelus bruneus and red spotted grouper Epinephelus akaara, Aquaculture Science 64(4), 349-358.
  • Hamasaki K, Matsuda T, Takano K, Sugizaki M, Murakami Y, Dan S, Kitada S (2016) Thermal adaptations of embryos of six terrestrial hermit crab species. Aquatic Biology 25, 83-96.
  • Hamasaki K, Ogiso Y, Dan S, Kitada S (2016) Survival, development, and growth of larvae of the coconut crab, Birgus latro, cultured under different photoperiod conditions. Aquaculture Research 47, 2506-2517.
  • 北田修一(2016)種苗放流の効果と野生集団への影響.日本水産学会誌 82, 241-250.
  • Miyakoshi Y, Kitada S (2016) Overdispersion in the estimation of salmon escapements by mark-recapture surveys and its related factors. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 145: 269–276.
  • 橋本 博, 小田憲太朗, 松田圭史, 照屋和久, 浜田和久, 虫明敬一, 浜崎活幸, 染川雄輔, 樋口明雄(2016)鹿児島湾のカンパチ養殖場における人工種苗の適正な沖出し時期の検討.水産増殖 64(2), 223-229.
  • 山本岳男, 山田達哉, 藤本 宏, 浜崎活幸(2016)ズワイガニの種苗生産過程における第2齢ゾエア幼生の移槽方法と移槽による生残への影響.水産増殖 64(2), 139-146.
  • 岩崎隆志, 井手健太郎, 佐藤 純, 浜崎活幸(2016)クエおよびマハタ仔魚のワムシとアルテミアに対する摂餌選択性.日本水産学会誌 82(2), 119-127.
  • Dan S, Oshiro M, Ashidate M, Hamasaki K (2016). Starvation of Artemia in larval rearing water affects postlarval survival and morphology of the swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus (Brachyura, Portunidae). Aquaculture 452, 407–415.
  • Dan S, Sui Y, Kaneko T, Takeshima S, Ojima D, Miyoshi T, Hamano K, Ashidate M, Hamasaki K (2016) Abnormal morphology in megalopae of the swimming crab, Portunus trituberculatus during seed production: causes and prevention. Aquaculture Research 47, 3189–3202.
  • Dan S, Ashidate M, Hamasaki K (2016) Improved method for culturing the swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus larvae to prevent mass mortality during seed production. Fisheries Science 82(1), 113-126.
  • 浜崎活幸(2016)生物生産:5.2 増殖の方法,5.5.5 甲殻類,5.5.6 その他の水産動物『水産海洋ハンドブック第3版』(分担)(竹内俊郎他6名編)生物研究社,東京.


  • Hamasaki K, Hatta S, Ishikawa T, Yamashita S, Dan S, Kitada S (2015) Emigration behaviour and moulting during the sea-to-land transition of terrestrial hermit crabs under laboratory conditions. Invertebrate Biology 134, 318–331.
  • Hamasaki K, Iizuka C, Ojima A, Sugizaki M, Sugimoto A, Dan S, Kitada S (2015) Genetic diversity and demographic history of the terrestrial hermit crabs Birgus latro and Coenobita brevimanus in the north-western Pacific region. Journal of Crustacean Biology 35(6), 93-803.
  • Yamamoto T, Yamada T, Kinoshita T, Ueda Y, Fujimoto H, Yamasaki A, Hamasaki K (2015) Growth and moulting of wild-born immature snow crabs, Chionoecetes opilio, in the laboratory. Crustaceana 88 (7-8), 911-922.
  • Yamamoto T, Yamada T, Fujimoto H, Hamasaki K (2015) Food Consumption pattern in snow crab Chionoecetes opilio (Decapoda: Majoidea) megalopae under laboratory conditions. Crustaceana 88 (7-8), 881-891.
  • Yamamoto T, Yamada T, Fujimoto H, Hamasaki K (2015) Effects of salinity on snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) larval survival and development under laboratory conditions. Journal of Shellfish Research, 34(2), 499-504.
  • Yamamoto T, Yamada T, Fujimoto H, Hamasaki K (2015) The moulting cycle and changes in body density in larvae of the snow crab Chionoecetes opilio (Brachyura: Majoidea) under laboratory conditions. Invertebrate Reproduction and Development 59(3), 176-187.
  • Yamamoto T, Yamada T, Kinoshita T, Ueda Y, Fujimoto H, Yamasaki A, Hamasaki K (2015) Effects of temperature on growth of juvenile snow crabs, Chionoecetes opilio, in the laboratory. Journal of Crustacean Biology 35, 140-148.
  • Hamasaki K, Ishiyama N, Kitada S (2015) Settlement behavior and substrate preference of the coconut crab Birgus latro megalopae on natural substrata in the laboratory. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 468, 21-28.
  • Hashimoto H, Hayashi T, Hamasaki K, Iwasaki T, Teruya K, Hamada K, Mushiake K (2015) Effects of different Artemia feeding schedules on body size variation of larvae and juveniles of greater amberjack Seriola dumerili. Aquaculture Science 63, 127-134.
  • 岩崎隆志,井手健太郎,照屋和久,岡 雅一,浜崎活幸(2015)クエおよびマハタ仔稚魚の摂餌日周性と日間摂餌量の推定.日本水産学会誌 81, 234-242.
  • Dan S, Hamasaki K (2015) Evaluation of the effects of probiotics in controlling bacterial necrosis symptoms in larvae of the mud crab Scylla serrata during mass seed production. Aquaculture International 23, 277-296.
  • Kato S, Hamasaki K, Murakami Y, Dan S, Kitada S (2015) Larval development of the land hermit crab Coenobita violascens Heller, 1862 (Decapoda, Anomura, Coenobitidae) described from laboratory-reared material. Zootaxa 3915 (2), 233–249.
  • Hamasaki K, Kato S, Murakami Y, Dan S, Kitada S (2015) Larval growth, development and duration in terrestrial hermit crabs. Sexuality and Early Development in Aquatic Organisms (1), 93–107.
  • 浜崎活幸(2015)海産魚介類の種苗量産技術の開発と資源増殖への応用に関する研究.日本水産学会誌 81(3),393-396.


  • 北田修一(2014)遺伝標識による種苗放流効果の推測: 現状と適用上の留意点. 日本水産学会誌 80 (6), 890-899.
  • 橋本 博,林 知宏,浜崎活幸,甲斐 勲,外薗博人,中村章彦,岩崎隆志,照屋和久,浜田和久, 虫明敬一(2014)カンパチ種苗生産における仔稚魚の体サイズ差と攻撃行動および共食いの関連.水産増殖 62(3), 256-271.
  • Dan S, Kaneko T, Takeshima S, Ashidate M, Hamasaki K (2014) Eyestalk ablation affects larval morphogenesis in the swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus during metamorphosis into megalopae. Sexuality and Early Development in Aquatic Organisms 1, 57-73.
  • Yamamoto T, Yamada T, Fujimoto H, Hamasaki K (2014) Effects of temperature on snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) larval survival and development under laboratory conditions. Journal of Shellfish Research 33(1), 19-24.
  • 市川 卓,那波洋子,浜崎活幸,村上恵祐(2014)飼育したケガニ幼生の走光性,鉛直分布,体密度と外部形態の発育に伴う変化.日本水産学会誌 80(3),349-359.
  • 市川 卓,村上直人,森岡泰三,村上恵祐,浜崎活幸(2014)ケガニ種苗生産における光環境が幼生の沈降と発育に及ぼす影響.水産増殖 62(1), 65-73.
  • Hamasaki K, Ishiyama N, Yamashita S, Kitada S (2014) Survival and growth of juveniles of the coconut crab Birgus latro under laboratory conditions: implications for mass production of juveniles. Journal of Crustacean Biology 34(3), 309-318.
  • Kitada S. (2014) Japanese chum salmon stock enhancement: Current perspective and future challenges. Fishery Science 80, 237-249.
  • 渡邊隆司,横田賢史,浜崎活幸,Strusmann CA,渡邊精一(2014)オウギガニヤドリムシの寄生がオウギガニの形態とLipofuscin蓄積に与える影響.La mer 52, 99-106.
  • Hamasaki K, Kato S, Hatta S, Murakami Y, Dan S, Kitada S.(2014) Larval development and emigration behaviour during sea-to-land transition of the land hermit crab Coenobita brevimanus Dana, 1852 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura: Coenobitidae) under laboratory conditions. Journal of Natural History 48 (17-18),1061-1084.
  • Nakajima K, Kitada S, Habara Y, Sano S, Yokoyama E, Sugaya T, Iwamoto A, Kishino H, Hamasaki K. (2014) Genetic effects of marine stock enhancement: a case study based on the highly piscivorous Japanese Spanish mackerel. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 71, 301-314.
  • Hamasaki K, Y Ishibashi, S Kitada (2014) Reproduction of an alien Ruditapes clam (Bivalvia: Veneridae) on recreational clam-gathering grounds in Tokyo Bay, Japan. Molluscan Research 34(1),54-61.


  • Hamasaki K and Kitada S (2013) Catch fluctuation of Kuruma prawn Penaeus japonicus in Japan relative to ocean climate variability and a stock enhancement programme. Reviews in Fisheries Science 21 (3-4), 454-468.
  • Miyakoshi Y, Nagata M, Kitada S, Kaeriyama M (2013) Current hatchery programs and management of chum salmon in Hokkaido, northern Japan. Reviews in Fisheries Science 21 (3-4), 469-479.
  • Sato T, Yoseda K, Abe O, Shibuno T, Takada Y, Dan S, Hamasaki K (2013) Growth of the coconut crab Birgus latro estimated from mark-recapture using passive integrted transponder (PIT) tags. Aquatic Biology 19, 143-152.
  • Ichikawa T, Iwamoto A, Tsuzaki T, Oota K, Hamasaki K, Takeuchi T (2013) Effects of diatom Thalassiosira sp. supplement to rearing water and dietary n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acids on the survival and developmental period of zoeae of horsehair crab Erimacrus isenbeckii. Aquaculture Science 61(3), 293-30 2
  • Dan S, Kaneko T, Takeshima S, Ashidate M, Hamasaki K (2013) Variations in larval morphology and their relationships to survival during mass seed production of swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus (Brachyura, Portunidae). Aquaculture 414-415, 109-118.
  • Nakajima K, Kitada S, Yamazaki H, Takemori H, Obata Y, Iwamoto A, Hamasaki K (2013) Ecological interactions between hatchery and wild fish: A case study based on the highly piscivorous Japanese Spanish mackerel. Aquaculture Environment Interactions 3, 231-243.
  • Hamasaki K, Yamashita S, Ishiyama N, Kitada S (2013) Effects of water availability and migration timing from sea to land on survival and moulting in megalopae and juveniles of the coconut crab Birgus latro: Implications for mass production of juveniles. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 33, 627-632.
  • Jinbo T, Dan S, Nakaya M, Ashidate M, Hamasaki K (2013) Effects of n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acid content in Artemia on survival and development of laboratory-reared horsehair crab Erimacrus isenbeckii larvae. Fisheries Science 79, 459-467.
  • Hamasaki K, Sugimoto A, Sugizaki M, Murakami Y, Kitada S (2013) Ontogeny of sinking velocity, body density, and phototactic behaviour in larvae of the coconut crab Birgus latro: Implications for larval dispersal and recruitment in the sea. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 442, 58-65.
  • Kitada S, Fujikake C, Asakura Y, Yuki H, Nakajima K, Vargas K, Kawashima S, Hamasaki K, Kishino H (2013) Molecular and morphological evidence of hybridization between native Ruditapes philippinarum and the introduced Ruditapes form in Japan. Conservation Genetics 14(3), 717-733.
  • 張 成年, 山本敏博, 渡辺一俊, 藤波祐一郎, 兼松正衛,長谷川夏樹,岡村 寛,水田浩治,宮脇 大,泰 安史,櫻井 泉,生嶋 登,北田修一,谷本尚史,羽生和弘,小林 豊,鳥羽光晴(2013)アサリの非対称殻模様出現頻度における地域差. 日本水産学会誌 79, 190-197.
  • 橋本 博,松田圭史,増田賢嗣,神保忠雄,今泉 均,照屋和久,浜田和久,虫明敬一,浜崎活幸(2013)カンパチ仔魚の初期飼育における適正な日長条件:種苗量産飼育と仔魚の摂餌リズムによる検討.水産増殖 61(1), 95-102.
  • 北田修一(2013)シロザケ孵化場魚の遺伝的多様性と繁殖成功度. 「サケ学大全(帰山雅秀,永田光博,中川大介」編)」, pp. 123-128, 北海道大学出版会, 札幌.


  • Dan S, Hamasaki K, Yamashita T, Oka M, Kitada S (2012) Age-based life cycle traits of the broadclub cuttlefish Sepia latimanus confirmed through release-recapture experiments. Aquatic Biology 17, 181-195.
  • Ogawa CY, Hamasaki K, Dan S, Obata Y, Kitada S (2012) Species composition, reproduction and body size of mud crabs Scylla spp. caught in Urado Bay, Japan. Journal of Crustacean Biology 32, 762-768.
  • 藤原公一,松尾雅也,臼杵崇広,根本守仁,竹岡昇一郎,田中 満,北田修一(2012)琵琶湖におけるニゴロブナCarassius auratus grandoculisの種苗放流効果. 日本水産学会誌 78,421-428.→日本水産学会論文賞
  • 渡邊隆司,浜崎活幸,横田賢史,C. A. Strussmann,渡邊精一(2012)Lipofuscinを年齢形質としたオウギガニの年級群推定.Cancer 21, 7-12.
  • 神保忠雄,浜崎活幸,芦立昌一(2012)ケガニ幼生の生残、発育および摂餌に及ぼす塩分の影響.日本水産学会誌 78,405-412.
  • 橋本 博,今井彰彦,岩崎隆志,浜崎活幸,照屋和久,浜田和久,虫明敬一(2012)鰾の開腔状態が異なるカンパチ仔魚の摂餌と成長.水産増殖 60(1),99-106.
  • Hamasaki K, Mizumoto Y, Jinbo T, Murakami K (2012) Ontogenetic change of body density and shape of the phyllosoma larvae of the Japanese spiny lobster. Journal of Crustacean Biology 32, 395-404.
  • 宍道弘敏,滝本鮎子,小畑泰弘,浜崎活幸,北田修一(2012)鹿児島湾におけるマダイの資源評価と放流計画.日本水産学会誌 78(2),161-170.
  • 浜崎活幸(2012)水産増養殖:3.4.7カニ類『最新 水産ハンドブック』(分担)(島 一雄他10名編)講談社,東京.


  • Dan S, Hamasaki K, Yamashita T, Oka M, Kitada S (2011) Relative growth of the broadclub cuttlefish, Sepia latimanus: implications for somatic size reconstruction, sex discrimination, and age class identification from the cuttlebone. Molluscan Research 31(3), 176-182.
  • Ogawa CY, Dan S, Kitada S, Hamasaki K (2011) Fishery biology of mud crabs Scylla spp. at Iriomote Island, Japan: species composition, catch, growth and size at sexual maturity. Fisheries Science 77, 915-927.
  • Kitada S, Kishino H, Hamasaki K (2011) Bias and significance of relative reproductive success estimates based on steelhead data: A Bayesian meta-analysis. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 68, 1827-1835.
  • 北田修一 (2011) 種苗放流の遺伝的影響:実態と展望. シリーズ21世紀の農学「農林水産業を支える生物多様性の評価と課題(日本農学会編)」, pp. 83-112,養賢堂, 東京.
  • 岩崎隆志、今井彰彦、橋本 博、浜崎活幸、照屋和久、浜田和久、虫明敬一(2011)異なる水温および光環境で飼育したカンパチ仔魚の鰾の開腔時期.水産増殖 59(4),633-636.
  • 藤原公一,臼杵崇広,根本守仁,松尾雅也,竹岡昇一郎,田中 満,中新井隆,北田修一 (2011) 琵琶湖におけるニゴロブナCarassius auratus grandoculis放流種苗の成長および分布域の拡大と沖合への種苗放流技術の検討. 日本水産学会誌 77, 1051-1064.
  • 藤原公一,臼杵崇広,根本守仁,松尾雅也,竹岡昇一郎,田中 満,北田修一 (2011) 琵琶湖におけるニゴロブナCarassius auratus grandoculis種苗の放流水域としてのヨシ帯の重要性と放流事業の課題. 日本水産学会誌 77, 822-833.
  • 藤原公一,北田修一(2011) ニゴロブナCarassius auratus grandoculis仔魚が琵琶湖の発達したヨシ帯岸辺付近へ蝟集する要因. 日本水産学会誌 77(5)77, 853-861.
  • 今井彰彦,岩崎隆志,橋本 博,浜崎活幸,照屋和久,浜田和久,虫明敬一(2011).飼育試験と鰾の個体発生から推察したカンパチ仔魚の鰾開腔メカニズム.日本水産学会誌 77, 845-852.
  • Hamasaki K, Sugizaki M, Sugimoto A, Murakami Y, Kitada S (2011) Emigration behaviour during sea-to-land transition of the coconut crab Birgus latro: effects of gastropod shells, substrata, shelters and humidity. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 403, 81-89.
  • Hamasaki K, Matsui N, Nogami M (2011) Size at sexual maturity and body size composition of mud crabs (Scylla spp.) caught in Don Sak, Bandon Bay, Gulf of Thailand. Fisheries Science 77, 49-57.
  • Dan S and Hamasaki K (2011) Effects of salinity and dietary n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acids on survival, development and morphogenesis of larvae of mud crab Scylla serrata (Decapoda, Portunidae) reared in the laboratory. Aquaculture International 19(2), 323–338.
  • Hamasaki K, Obata Y, Dan S, Kitada S (2011). A review of seed production and stock enhancement for commercially important portunid crabs in Japan. Aquaculture International 19(2), 217–235.
  • 浜崎活幸(2011)ヤシガニの初期生活史研究-飼育によるアプローチ.Cancer 20, 73-77.


  • Hamasaki K, Kitada S, Shishidou H, Toriya S, Sugaya T, Kishino H (2010) Genetic impacts of hatchery fish on wild populations in red sea bream Pagrus major (Perciformes, Sparidae) inferred from partial sequence of the control region in mitochondrial DNA. Journal of Fish Biology 77, 2123-2136.
  • Vargas K, Hamasaki K, Asakura Y, Ikeda M, Tsuchiya K, Taniguchi N, Kitada S (2010) Genetic diversity and differentiation in allozyme and shell sculpture of the clams Ruditapes spp. in natural populations of Japan and China. Fish Genetics and Breeding Science 40, 37-46.
  • 小金隆之,團 重樹,浜崎活幸(2010)ズワイガニ幼生の生残と脱皮・成長に及ぼす餌料密度と餌料系列の影響.水産増殖 58(3), 357-362.
  • 藤原公一,臼杵崇広,根本守仁,北田修一(2010)琵琶湖沿岸のヨシ帯におけるニゴロブナCarassius auratus grandoculisの初期生態とその環境への適応. 日本水産学会誌 77(3), 387-401.
  • 藤原公一,北田修一 (2010) 成長および流水トレーニングに伴うニゴロブナCarassius auratus grandoculis仔稚魚の遊泳速度の変化. 日本水産学会誌 76(6), 1025-1034.
  • 藤原公一,臼杵崇広,根本守仁, 北田修一 (2010)アリザリン・コンプレクソンを用いたニゴロブナCarassius auratus grandoculisの耳石への多重標識装着条件と放流サイズの推定方法. 日本水産学会誌 76, 637-645.
  • 横山雄哉, 越野陽介, 宮本幸太, 工藤秀明, 北田修一, 帰山雅秀 (2010) 知床半島ルシャ川におけるカラフトマスOncorhynchus gorbuschaの産卵遡上動態評価. 日本水産学会誌 76(3), 383-391.
  • Nakajima K, Hamasaki K, Tsuchida S, Kado R, Kitada S (2010) First zoeal stage of the hydrothermal vent crab Gandalfus yunohana (Decapoda: Brachyura: Bythograeidae). Crustaceana, 83(5), 525-537. DOI: 10.1163/001121610X491022.
  • Sugizaki M, Hamasaki K, Dan S, S Kitada S (2010) Growth and morphogenesis of larvae reared at different temperatures, and mass culture of larvae in the coconut crab Birgus latro (Decapod, Coenobitidae), Aquaculture Science 58 (1).
  • Hamasaki K, Nakajima S, Tsuchida S, Kado R, Kitada S (2010) Number and duration of zoeal stages of the hydrothermal vent crab Gandalfus yunohana (TAKEDA, HASHIMOTO, AND OHTA, 2000) from laboratory reared specimens. Journal of Crustacean Biology 30(2), 235-240.
  • 浜崎活幸(2010)生物生産:5.5.5甲殻類,5.5.7その他『改訂 水産海洋ハンドブック』(分担)(竹内俊郎他6名編)生物研究社,東京.


  • Hamasaki K, Sugizaki M, Dan S, Kitada S (2009) Effect of temperature on survival and developmental period of coconut crab (Birgus latro) larvae reared in the laboratory. Aquaculture 292, 259-263.
  • Kitada S, Shishidou H, Sugaya T, Kitakado T, Hamasaki K, Kishino H (2009) Genetic effects of the long-term stock enhancement programs. Aquaculture 290, 69-79
  • Miyakoshi Y, Sasaki Y, Fujiwara M, Tanaka K, Matsueda N, Irvine JR, Kitada S (2009) Implications of recreational fishing on juvenile masu salmon stocked in a Hokkaido river. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29, 33-39.
  • Hamasaki K, Tsuruoka K, Teruya K, Hashimoto H, Hamada K, Hotta T, Mushiake K (2009) Feeding habits of hatchery- reared larvae of greater amberjack. Aquaculture 288, 216-225.
  • 平田喜郎,今井彰彦, 浜崎活幸,照屋和久, 岩崎隆志,浜田和久,虫明敬一(2009)カンパチ仔魚の生残,成長,摂餌および鰾の開腔に及ぼす光周期と水温の影響.日本水産学会誌 75(6), 995-1003.
  • 小金隆之,團 重樹,浜崎活幸.ズワイガニ幼生の生残と脱皮・成長に及ぼすn-3高度不飽和脂肪酸の影響(2009)日本水産学会誌 75(6), 1004-1010.
  • 照屋和久,浜崎活幸,橋本 博,片山俊之,平田喜郎,鶴岡廣哉,林 知宏,虫明敬一(2009)カンパチ仔魚の成長にともなう体密度と水槽内鉛直分布の変化.日本水産学会誌 75(1),54-63.
  • 渡邊隆司,浜崎活幸,渡邊精一(2009)甲殻類の年齢形質としてのLipofuscinの有効性.Cancer 18, 27-29.
  • Dan S, Hamasaki K, Kogane T, Jinbo T, Ichikawa T (2009) Nutritional significance of n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acids for larval survival and development in mass production of brachyuran crab larvae. Aquaculture Technologies for Invertebrates. Proceedings of the Thirty-sixth U.S.-Japan Aquaculture Panel Symposium. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-F/SPO-99, pp. 8-14.


  • 小畑泰弘, 山崎英樹, 岩本明雄, 浜崎活幸, 北田修一 (2008) 環境収容力と種苗放流―瀬戸内海東部海域におけるサワラの例. 「水産資源の増殖と保全」 pp. 66-85,成山堂書店, 東京.
  • 浜崎活幸, 北田修一 (2008) 環境変動と資源増殖―アワビ類を事例として. 「水産資源の増殖と保全」 pp. 86-104, 成山堂書店, 東京.
  • 北田修一, 北門利英, 岸野洋久 (2008) 集団間の遺伝的分化の経験ベイズ推定. 水産育種 38, 41-50.
  • 北田修一 (2008) 種苗放流の遺伝的影響. 「水産資源の増殖と保全」 pp. 190-213, 成山堂書店, 東京.
  • 照屋和久,與世田兼三,岡 雅一,西岡豊弘,中野昌次,森 広一郎,菅谷琢磨,藤井あや,黒川優子,川合真一郎,浜崎活幸 (2008)光周期がクエ仔魚の生残,成長および摂餌に及ぼす影響.日本水産学会誌 74, 1009-1016.
  • 小畑泰弘,山崎英樹,岩本明雄,浜崎活幸,北田修一 (2008)餌料生物量から推定したサワラ人工種苗放流による天然0歳魚資源の上積み効果. 日本水産学会誌 74,796-801.
  • Hamasaki K and Kitada S (2008) The enhancement of abalone stocks: lessons from Japanese case studies. Fish and Fisheries 9, 243-260.
  • Hamasaki K and Fukunaga K (2008) Ovipositional behaviour of the swimming crab, Portunus trituberculatus (Miers, 1876) (Decapoda: Portunidae): Implications for broodstock management in a hatchery. Crustaceana 81, 813-822.
  • Obata Y, Yamazaki H, Iwamoto A, Hamasaki K, Kitada S (2008) Evaluation of stocking effectiveness of the Japanese Spanish mackerel in the eastern Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Reviews in Fisheries Science 16, 235-242.
  • Hamasaki K and Kitada S (2008) Evaluation of stock enhancement programmes for decapod crustaceans. Reviews in Fisheries Science 16, 164-174.
  • Sugaya T, Sato M, Yokoyama E, Nemoto Y, Fujita T, Okouchi H, Hamasaki K, Kitada S (2008) Population genetic structure and variability of Pacific herring, Clupea pallasii, in the stocking area along the Pacific coast of northern Japan.Fisheries Science 74, 579-588.
  • Vargas K, Asakura Y, Ikeda M, Taniguchi N, Obata Y, Hamasaki K, Tsuchiya K, Kitada S (2008) Allozyme variation of the littleneck clam Ruditapes philippinarum and genetic mixture analysis of foreign clams in Ariake and Shiranui Seas, Kyushu Island, Japan. Fisheries Science 74 533-543.
  • 照屋和久,與世田兼三,岡 雅一,西岡豊弘,中野昌次,森 広一郎,菅谷琢磨,浜崎活幸.光周期がマハタ仔魚の摂餌,成長および生残に及ぼす影響.日本水産学会誌 74, 645-652.
  • 團 重樹,浜崎活幸,山下貴示,岡 雅一,北田修一(2008)標識放流実験に基づくコブシメふ化放流効果の検討. 日本水産学会誌 74, 615-624.
  • 根本雄太,菅谷琢磨,大河内裕之,北門利英,浜崎活幸,北田修一(2008)マイクロサテライトDNA変異から推定した日本沿岸における太平洋ニシンの集団構造.水産育種 37, 51-59.
  • 宍道弘敏,北田修一,坂本 崇,浜崎活幸(2008)マイクロサテライトDNAによる鹿児島湾のマダイ天然魚と放流魚の遺伝的変異性の評価.日本水産学会誌 74(2), 183-188.


  • Kitada S, Kitakado T, Kishino H (2007) Empirical Bayes inference of pairwise FST and its distribution in the genome. Genetics 177, 861-873.
  • 宍道弘敏,北田修一(2007) 鹿児島湾におけるマダイの種苗放流効果. 日本水産学会誌 73(1), 270-277.
  • 北田修一,北門利英,岸野洋久 (2007) 水産資源の管理と保全におけるサンプリング調査と統計遺伝. 計量生物 28 (Special Issue 1), 35-55.
  • 山崎英樹,竹森弘征,岩本明雄,奥村重信,藤本宏,山本義久,小畑泰弘,草加耕司,北田修一(2007) 瀬戸内海東部海域におけるサワラの種苗放流効果. 日本水産学会誌 73(1), 210-219.→日本水産学会論文賞
  • 小畑泰弘,滝本鮎子,岩本明雄,北田修一(2007) 資源計画のためのシミュレーションモデル:瀬戸内海東部海域のサワラを例として. 日本水産学会誌 73(1), 43-50.
  • 小畑泰弘,岩本明雄,竹森弘征,山崎英樹,奥村重信,藤本 宏,山本義久,北田修一(2007) 異なるサイズで放流したサワラ人工種苗の資源添加効率の比較. 日本水産学会誌 73(1), 55-61.
  • 神保忠雄,浜崎活幸,芦立昌一(2007)ケガニ幼生の生残、発育および摂餌に及ぼす水温の影響.日本水産学会誌 73(6), 1081-1089.
  • Kogane T, Dan S, Hamasaki K (2007) Improvement of larval rearing technique for mass seed production of snow crab Chionoecetes opilio. Fisheries Science 73, 851-861→日本水産学会論文賞
  • 小金隆之,浜崎活幸,團 重樹(2007)ズワイガニ種苗生産における飼育水の攪拌と薬浴による生残率の向上.日本水産学会誌73(2),226-232.
  • 荒井大介,竹内俊郎,杉田大輔,浜崎活幸,丸山敬吾(2007)ガザミ幼生の形態に及ぼす飼育水へのn-3高度不飽和脂肪酸含有淡水クロレラ添加の影響.水産増殖 55(1),133-134.(短報)
  • Hamasaki K, Kogane T, Murakami K, Jinbo T, Dan S (2007) Mass mortality and its control in the larval rearing of brachyuran crabs: Implications for mass culture techniques of phyllosoma larvae. Bulletin of Fisheries Research Agency 20, 39-43.
  • Murakami K, Jinbo T, Hamasaki K (2007) Aspects of the technology of phyllosoma rearing and metamorphosis from phyllosoma to puerulus in the Japanese spiny lobster Panulirus japonicus reared in the laboratory. Bulletin of Fisheries Research Agency 20, 59-67.


  • 藤田智也,西脇幹子,二平章,山田 浩,菅谷琢磨,浜崎活幸,北田修一(2006)マイクロサテライトおよびミトコンドリアDNAにおける茨城県鹿島灘のヒラメ天然魚と放流魚の遺伝的変異性.水産育種 36,33-38.
  • Kitakado T, Kitada S, Obata Y, Kishino H (2006) Simultaneous estimation of mixing rates and genetic drift under a successive sampling of genetic markers with application to mud crab (Scylla paramamosain) in Japan. Genetics 2006 173, 2063-2072.
  • Kitakado T, Kitada S, Kishino H, Skaug HJ (2006) An integrated-likelihood method for estimating genetic differentiation between populations. Genetics 2006 173, 2073-2082.
  • Kitada S and Kishino H (2006) Lessons learned from Japanese finfish stock enhancement programss. Fisheries Research 80, 101-112.
  • Hamasaki K and Kitada S (2006) A review of kuruma prawn Penaeus japonicus stock enhancement programs in Japan . Fisheries Research 80, 80-90.
  • Obata Y, Imai H, Kitakado T, Hamasaki K, Kitada S (2006) The contribution of stocked mud crabs Scylla paramamosain to commercial catches, estimated using a genetic stock identification technique in Japan. Fisheries Research 80, 113-121.
  • Yamaguchi T, Ito S, Hamasaki K, Kitada S (2006) Stcking effectiveness of hatchery-released kuruma prawn estimated by a two-stage sampling of commercial catch in Ariake Sound, Japan. Fisheries Science 72(2) 233-238.
  • Yokoyama E, Sakamoto T, Sugaya T, Kitada S (2006) Six polymorphic microsatellite loci in the Japanese Spanish mackerel, Scomberomorus niphonius. Molecular Ecology Note 6, 323-324.
  • Hamasaki K, Fukunaga K, Kitada S (2006) Batch fecundity of the swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus. Aquaculture 253, 359-365.
  • 浜崎活幸(2006)栽培漁業技術開発の最前線企画主旨.日本水産学会誌72(2),241.
  • 浜崎活幸,小金隆之,神保忠雄,團 重樹(2006)カニ類の種苗生産技術:大量死亡とその防除.日本水産学会誌72(2),263-266.
  • 浜崎活幸(2006)ノコギリガザミ類の種苗生産と放流効果.生物科学58(1),48-54.


  • 浜崎活幸,北田修一(2005) クルマエビの栽培漁業:現状と課題. 栽培漁業技術開発研究 33, 27-43.
  • 中村 藍,北田修一,濱崎活幸,大河内裕之(2005)アワビ類の漁獲変動:エゾアワビの漁獲変動と気候変動および種苗放流の関連について. 栽培漁業技術開発研究 33, 45-54.
  • 神保忠雄,浜崎活幸,芦立昌一(2005)ケガニ幼生の生残,発育および摂餌に及ぼすアルテミア給餌密度の影響. 日本水産学会誌 71, 563-570.
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