東京海洋大学 食流通安全制御学研究室


Inhibition of blood pressure elevation in GABA-enriched Hidakakombu fermented with Lactiplantibacillus plantarum 002 protected addition of trehalose. Nana Somekawa, Tetsuya Sekine,Naoko Hamada-Sato, 2024年01月
International Journal of Food Scienodce and Technology, 59, 1572-1579.

Environmental impact assessment of aseptically packaged chicken using ohmic heating.
Ruri Ito, Noriko Yamanaka-Zamoto, Manabu Watanabe, Naoko Hamada-Sato , 2023年10月
Food Science and Technology Research, 9, 441-452.

Synthetic dye decolorization using the marine filamentous fungus Pestalotiopsis disseminata AN-7 and toxicity evaluation using Daphnia magna.
Airi Takahashi, Kyoko Masuda, Taimu Sugimoto, Naoko Hamada-Sato , 2023年06月
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 21, 395–2406.

Abalone viscera fermented with Aspergillus oryzae 001 prevents pressure Elevation by inhibiting angiotensin converting enzyme.
NNatsumi Iwamoto, Asahi Sasaki, Tomoaki Maizawa,Naoko Hamada-Sato , 2023年02月
Nutrients, 15(4), 947.

横山 大輔, 足立 厚子, 梅村 薫, 原田 朋佳, 竹内 千尋, 今村 忍, 一角 直行, 小林 征洋 , 2022年10月
臨床皮膚科 , 76 (11) , 861 - 868

Evaluation of the effect of Lactiplantibacillus pentosus SN001fermentation on arsenic accumulation and antihypertensive effect of Sargassum horneri in vivo.
Momoko Tamura, Yoshinari Suzuki, Hiroshi Akiyama, Naoko Hamada-Sato , 2022年09月
Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 395(12), 1549 - 1556.

Enhancement of the antihypertensive effect of fermented Sargassum horneri with Lactiplantibacillus pentosus SN001
Momoko Tamura, Satoshi Shimizu , Hiroshi Nagai, Orie Yoshinari and Naoko Hamada-Sato , 2022年07月
Fermentation, 8(7), 330

Antihypertensive effects of abalone viscera fermented with Lactiplantibacillus pentosus SN001 via angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition, 2022年03月
Mayu Yamanushi, Mariko Shimura, Hiroshi Nagai, NaokoHamada-Sato
Food Chemistry: X, 13, 100239

Specific immunoglobulin E to Ani s 1 is rare in patients with Anisakis allergy living in Hokkaido, northern Japan

Yoshikawa M, Sumikawa Y, Kobayashi Y, Uhara H, 202202

Allergology International , 71 (3) , 409 - 411

Antihypertensive and probiotic effects of Hidakakombu (Saccharina angustata) fermented by Lacticaseibacillus casei 001
Tetsuya Sekine, Hiroshi Nagai, Naoko Hamada-Sato, 202108

Foods, 10 (9), 2048

Evaluation of angiotensin-converting enzyme-inhibitory activity in abalone viscera fermented by Lactobacillus casei 001
Yushi Fujimura, Mariko Shimura, Hiroshi Nagai, Naoko Hamada-Sato, 202104

Journal of Functional Foods, 82, 104474-104474

Xylanase from marine filamentous fungus Pestalotiopsis sp. AN-7 was activated with diluted salt solution like brackish water.
Sangho Koh, Masahiro Mizuno, Yuto Izuoka, Naoto Fujino, Naoko Hamada-Sato and Yoshihiko Amano, 202011
Journal of Applied Glycoscience, 68, 11-18

A parvalbumin allergy case was successfully treated with oral immunotherapy using hypoallergenic fish
Ugajin T, Kobayashi Y, Yokozeki H, 202104

Allergology International, 70 (4), 509-511

山口 文子, 小川 美香子, 濱田(佐藤) 奈保子, 202003
フードシステム研究, 26 (4), 361-366

綾乃, 深井和吉, 小林征洋, 2020
アレルギー, 69 (3), 209-212

藤野柾也, 小林征洋, 小川美香子, 2020
フードシステム研究, 16 (4), 379-384

浩志, 山本 雄介, 濱田 奈保子, 2019
土木学会論文集B3(海洋開発), 75 (2), I_1007-I_1012

足立 厚子, 大塚 晴彦, 山野 , 濱岡 , 井上 友介, 小林 征洋, 2019
日本皮膚免疫アレルギー学会雑誌, 2 (2), 317-322

Pesticide residues control in foods imported into Japan; HACCP-oriented approach to ensure regulatory compliance
Chiaki Miura, Goichiro Yukawa and Naoko Hamada- Sato, Naoki Shinoda, 201810

The JSFS 85th Anniversary-Commemorative Internaional Symposium, No.10025, 1-2

三浦 千明, 湯川 剛一郎, 濱田(佐藤) 奈保子, 篠田 直樹, 201803
フードシステム研究, 24 (4), 333-339

洋子, 井上 なつみ, 濱田(佐藤) 奈保子, 201802
美味技術学会誌, 16 (2), 30-36

A case of eel collagen allergy
Tamura Masao, Sekiguchi Masahiro, Azuma Naoto, Kitano Masayasu, Sano Hajime, Matsui Kiyoshi, Kobayashi Yukihiro, Ogita Chie, Tsuboi Kazuyuki, Kusakabe Minori, Azuma Kota, Abe Takeo, Yoshikawa Takahiro, 2018
Allergology International, 67 (1), 138-140

Planning of hand and finger washing / disinfection education and its timing for sushi-restaurant chain employees using an ATP luminescence measurement method
Sachiyo Tada, Goichiro Yukawa, Naoko Hamada-Sato, Sadao Komemushi, 201709

食生活研究 , vol.37 No.5, 258-272

Adenosine monophosphate degradation and inosinic acid accumulation in the shrimp Penaeus japonicas
Hiroko Seki, Kaori Nakazato,Naoko Hamada-Sato, 201709

International Aquatic Research, 9 (1), 37-52

原田 , 小林征洋, 樋上 , はる香, 工藤 比等志, 201712
皮膚科の臨床, 59, 1537-1542

小川美香子, 小林征洋, 201712
フードサービス学会年報, 22, 38-51

原田 , 小林 征洋, 恒光 健史, 201712
皮膚科の臨床, 59, 1543-1547

白川 典子, 藤本 和久, 市山 , 小林 征洋, 佐伯 秀久, 201711
日本皮膚アレルギー・接触皮膚炎学会雑誌, 11, 50-54

原田 , 小林 征洋, 201709
Infectious Agents Surveillance Report, 38, 72-74

小林征洋, 201708
臨床免疫・アレルギー科, 67, 57-63

浩志、濱田奈保子、高原裕一、丹羽 , 201610
土木学会論文集B3(海洋開発), 72, 868-873

Study of the cross-reactivity of fish allergens based on a questionnaire and blood testing
Kobayashi Y, Huge J, Imamura S, Hamada-Sato N, 201610

Allergology International, 65, 272-279

Reduction in IgE reactivity of Pacific mackerel parvalbumin by heat treatment
Kubota H, Kobayashi A, Kobayashi Y*, Shiomi K, Hamada-Sato N, 201610

Food Chemistry, 206, 78-84

Quantification of major allergen parvalbumin in 22 species of fish by SDSPAGE

Yukihiro Kobayashi,Tao Yang,Cheng-Tao Yu,Chiaki Ume,Hiroyuki Kubota,Kuniyoshi Shimakura,Kazuo Shiomi,Naoko Hamada-Sato, 201610
Food Chemistry, 194, 345-353

Main protein components in frozen surimi contributed to heat-induced gel formation
Mii Kunimoto, Naoko Hamada-Sato, Noboru Kato, 201610
International Food Research Journal, 23, 1939-1948

長野知佳、小川美香子、濱田(佐藤)奈保子、湯川剛一郎, 201609
フードシステム研究 , 23巻、第3, 197-202

Allergy to fish collagen: thermostability of collagen and IgE reactivity of patients' sera with extracts of 11 species of bony and cartilaginous fish
Kobayashi Y, Kuriyama T, Nakagawara R, Aihara M, Hamada-Sato N, 201609

Allergology International, 65(4), 450-458

Taste component analysis of Pacific oysters cultured in Konagai, Nagasaki and taste evaluation using a taste-sensing system
Kitaoka, C, Hosoe, J, Hakamatsuka, T, Araya, K, Habara, M, Ikezaki, H, Hamada-Sato, N, Shinagawa, A, Yamamoto, J, Kato-Yoshinaga, Y, 201609
Japanese Journal of Food Chemistry and Safety, 23, 63-71

Effect of Different Packaging Materials on the Quality of Tuna and Use of Corrugated Cardboard as Suitable Packaging Material for Fisheries Logistics
Hiroko Seki, Kaori Nakazato, Kazunori Kobayashi, Mio Sakurada, Tae Soo Lee, Naoko Hamada-Sato, 201609
International Proceedings of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering, 92, 8-17

三浦千明、湯川剛一郎、濱田(佐藤)奈保子、篠田直樹, 201609
フードシステム研究 , 23巻、第3, 193-196

Effect of Freezing and Thawing on the Quality of Tuna Thunnus Thynnus (Linnaeus 1758)
Asian Fisheries Science, 29, 232-244

Fish collagen is an important panallergen in the Japanese population
Kobayashi Y, Akiyama H, Huge J, Kubota H, Chikazawa S, Satoh T, Miyake T, Uhara H, Okuyama R, Nakagawara R, Aihara M, Hamada-Sato N, 201601

Allergy, 71(5):, 720-723

金岡節男、湯川剛一郎、濱田(佐藤)奈保子, 201601
流通, 39, 1-12

Fish allergy in patients with parvalbumin-specific immunoglobulin E depends on parvalbumin content rather than molecular differences in the protein among fish
Kobayashi A, Kobayashi Y, Shiomi K, 201603
Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 80, 2018-2021

IgE-binding epitopes of various fish parvalbumins exist in a stereoscopic conformation maintained by Ca2+ binding
Kobayashi A, Ichimura A, Kobayashi Y, Shiomi K, 201603
Allergology International, 65, 345-348

Study of the cross-reactivity of fish allergens based on a questionnaire and blood testing.
Kobayashi Y, Huge J, Imamura S, Hamada-Sato N, 201603
Allergology International, 65, 272-279

Fish collagen is an important panallergen in the Japanese population.
Kobayashi Y, Akiyama H, Huge J, Kubota H, Chikazawa S, Satoh T, Miyake T, Uhara H, Okuyama R, Nakagawara R, Aihara M, Hamada-Sato N, 201603

Allergy, 71, 720-723

放射性物質を含む食品に対する「ひとこえ生協」における組合員の関心と不安 -テキストマイニング手法を用いて-
新谷喜久夫、山口治子、濱田(佐藤)奈保子, 201512
日本リスク研究学会第28回年次大会講演論文集, 0-0

多田幸代,湯川剛一郎,濱田(佐藤)奈保子, 201509
日本防菌防黴学会誌, 43, 463-469

金岡節男, 湯川剛一郎, 濱田(佐藤)奈保子, 201509
フードシステム研究, 21巻4号, 287-297

Effect of various salts on inosinic acid-degrading enzyme activity in the white and dark muscle of saury
Hiroko Seki and Naoko Hamada-Sato, 201505
Fisheries Science, Volume 81, Issue 2 DOI 10.1007/s12562-014-0840-9, 365-371

小林征洋, 201512
アレルギーの臨床, 35, 1158-1163

原田 , 小林征洋, 塩見一雄, 松本玲子, 201504
Journal of Environmental Dermatology and Cutaneous Allergology, 9, 179-186

Fish collagen allergy: a pitfall of the prick-to-prick test with raw fish.
Chikazawa S, Hashimoto T, Kobayashi Y, Satoh T, 201504

British journal of dermatology, 173, 1330-1331

Effects of Morus alba L. (Mulberry) leaf extract in hypercholesterolemic mice on suppression of cholesterol synthesis.
Kobayashi Y, Miyazawa M, Araki M, Kamei A, Abe K, Hiroi T, Hirokawa T, Aoki N, Ohsawa T, Kojima T, 201504

Journal of Pharmacognosy & Natural products, In press, 0-0

Molecular cloning and expression of a new major allergen, Ani s 14, from Anisakis simplex.
Kobayashi Y, Kakemoto S, Shimakura K, Shiomi K, 201504

Food Hygiene and Safety Science (Shokuhin Eiseigaku Zasshi), 56, 194-199

小林征洋, 宮澤眞紀, 小島 , 201504
体力・栄養・免疫学雑誌, 25, 192-193

小林征洋, 201501
アレルギーの臨床, 35, 1277-1282

Effects of various salts on IMPase activity and IMP quantity in coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum 1792), Salmonidae.
Hiroko Seki and Naoko Hamada-Sato, 201410

Asian Fisheries Science, 27, 173-184

Innovative food processing technology using ohmic heating and aseptic packaging for meat
Ruri Ito, Mika Fukuoka, Naoko Hamada-Sato, 201409

Meat Science, 96, 675-681

Taste component comparisons of single seed Pacific oysters collected in the first and the second harvest years in Nagasaki prefecture
Yuko Kato-Yoshinaga, Chika Kitaoka, Akira Shinagawa, Naoko Hamada-Sato, 201409

Japanese Journal of Food Chemistry and Safety日本食品化学学会誌, 21, 127-134

濱田(佐藤)奈保子・久保田宙幸・横山大樹, 201407
美味技術学会誌, 131, 13-19

Identification of bacteria that contribute to IMP degradation in horse mackerel
Hiroko Seki and Naoko Hamada-Sato, 201405

Journal of Food Processing & Technology, Vol.5 No.8: 363, 0-0

Effect of bitterns and constituent salts on the inosinate phosphatase activity in horse mackerel muscle
Hiroko Seki, Kazuhumi Osako, Naoko Hamada-Sato, 201405

International Food Research Journal, Vol.21, No.6, 2215-2220

Effects of salt and bittern on inosinic acid- and inosine-degrading enzyme activity in Pacific cod muscle
Hiroko Seki and Naoko Hamada-Sato, 201405

Journal of Aquaculture & Marine Biology, Vol. 1 No.1, 0-0

Decomposition kinetics of umami component during meat cooking
Naomi Ishiwatari, Mika Fukuoka , Naoko Hamada-Sato, Noboru Sakai, 201309

Journal of Food Engineering, 119, 324-331

原田晋, 小林征洋, 中村敬, 201412
Journal of Environmental Dermatology and Cutaneous Allergology, 8, 192-197

Ani s 12特異的IgE抗体が陽性となったアニサキスアレルギーの2
木下侑里, 藤本和久, 李民, 篠原理恵, 小林征洋, 川名誠司, 佐伯秀久, 201412
アレルギー, 63, 1348-1352

青木信義, 荒木真由美, 廣川隆彦, 瀬戸山 , 宮澤眞紀, 小林征洋, 臼井一茂, 201410
神奈川県産業技術センター研究報告, 20, 20-23
荒木真由美, 小林征洋, 廣井哲也, 廣川隆彦, 宮澤眞紀, 青木信義, 小島 , 大澤利幸, 201410
神奈川県産業技術センター研究報告, 20, 24-28

Component-resolved diagnosis of Anisakis allergy using 9 Anisakis components.
Inomata N, Kobayashi Y, Ito K, Shiomi K, Aihara M, 201407
Allergy, 69, 253-254

Paramyosin from the disc abalone Haliotis discus discus.
Suzuki M, Shimizu K, Kobayashi Y, Ishizaki S, Shiomi K, 201404
Journal of Food Biochemistry, 38, 444-451

篠原理恵, 藤本和久, 小林征洋, 201403
皮膚科の臨床, 56, 1270-1274

伊藤るり,久保田宙幸,濱田(佐藤)奈保子, 201303
8 回日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集, 26-27

川島康太,伊藤るり,濱田(佐藤)奈保子, 201303
8 回日本LCA学会研究発表会講演要旨集, 132-133

岡野 利之・濱田(佐藤) 奈保子, 201302
日本フードシステム研究, 20(通巻 57号), 337-342

Effcient bioethanol production from paper shredder scrap by a marine derived Saccharomyces cerevisiae C-19
Nobuo Obara, Masami Ishida, Naoko Hamada-Sato, Naoto Urano, 201208

Studies in Science and Technology, 1, 127-132

Importance of cell mass and total pigment level-dependant changes in the relative beta-carotene propotion for carotenoid production by the yeast variants of the Sporidiobolales
Ryohei Ueno, Naoko Hamada, Naoko Urano, 201208

Society for Science&Technology, 1, 31-37

洋子・濱田(佐藤)奈保子, 201208
環境技術, 41, 448-454

小林 亜珠香、濱田(佐藤)奈保子、日佐和夫, 201203
日本フードシステム学会, 19, 279-282

濱田(佐藤)奈保子、関 洋子、鈴木 , 201202
日本調理科学会誌, 45, 29-32

Facilitative effects of Eucommia ulmoides on fatty acid oxidation in hypertriglyceridaemic rats.
Kobayashi Y, Hiroi T, Araki M, Hirokawa T, Miyazawa M, Aoki N, Kojima T, Ohsawa T, 201209
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 92, 358-365

イカ摂取により発症したと考えたアニサキスアレルギーの1 Ani s 12および12ならびにトロポニンCの陽性例―.
飯島茂子,森山達哉,市川秀隆,小林征洋,塩見一雄, 201209
アレルギー, 61, 1104-1110

Heat transfer analysis-based prediction of protein denaturation and umami component of meat during cooking
N. Ishiwatari, M. Fukuoka, N. Hamada, N. Sakai, 201109
Proceedings of International Congress on Engineering and Food 11 (ICEF 11), 0-0

Equations for spectrophotometric determination of relative concentrations of myoglobin derivatives in aqueous tuna meat extracts
Chotika Viriyarattanasak, Naoko Hamada-Sato, Manabu Watanabe, Kazuhito Kajiwara, Toru Suzuki, 201108

Food Chemistry, 127, 656-661

石田健太、濱田(佐藤)奈保子, 201108
日本リスク研究学会, 21(1), 15-22

Isolation,characterization, and utilization of r-aminobutyric acid(GABA)-producing lactic acid bacteria from Myanmer fishery products fermented with boiled rice
Su Myo Thwe,Takeshi Kobayashi, Tianyao Luan, Takaaki Shirai, Munenaka Okudera, Naoko Hamada-Sato, Chiaki Imada, 201108
Fisheries Science, 77, 279-288

Evaluations of the Sensory Quality Indices and Freshness Assessment of Nile Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus Fillets Fed Recycled Food Waste Materials
G. G. Bake, M. Endo, A. Akimoto, N. Hamada-Sato and T. Takeuchi, 201108
Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology B, 1, 820-830

Potential of Carotenoids in Aquatic Yeasts as a Phylogenetically Reliable Marker and the Natural Colorants for Aquaculture
Ryohei UENO,Naoko HAMADA-SATO, Masami ISHIDA, and Naoto URANO, 201108

Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 75(9), 1654-1661
Stabilizing effects of sucrose-polymer formulations on the activity of freeze-dried enzyme mixtures of alkaline phosphatase, nucleoside phosphorylase and xanthine oxidase.
Srirangsan, P, Kawai, K, Hamada-Sato, N, Watanabe, M, & Suzuki, T, 201108
Food Chemistry, 125, 1188-1193

野村道康、有賀みずえ、山田勝久、今田千秋、小林武志、濱田(佐藤)奈保子, 201101
海洋深層水研究, 12, 11-17

Paramyosin of the disk abalone Haliotis discus discus: identification as a new allergen and crossreactivity with tropomyosin
Suzuki M, Kobayashi Y, Hiraki Y, Nakata H, Shiomi K, 201109

Food Chemistry, 124, 921-926

Identification of novel three allergens from Anisakis simplex by chemiluminescent immunoscreening of an expression cDNA library
Kobayashi Y, Ohsaki K, Ikeda K, Kakemoto K, Ishizaki S, Shimakura K, Nagashima Y, Shiomi K, 201109

Parasitology International, 60, 144-150


小島 , 小林征洋, 宮澤眞紀, 201104
体力・栄養・免疫学雑誌, 21, 239-241

Isolation and Characterization of Marine and Terrestrial ActinomycetesUsing a Medium Supplemented with NaCl
Chaki Imada, Syunpei Masuda, Takeshi Kobayashi, Naoko Hamada-Sato, and Takuji Nakashim, 201012

Actinomycetologica, 24, 12-17

関澤純,北村忠夫,森田満樹,中村由美子,濱田(佐藤)奈保子,前田恭伸,鹿島日布美, 201012
日本リスク研究学会 23回年次大会講演論文集, 77-87

Improvement in the remaining activity of freeze-dried xanthine oxidase with the addition of a disaccharide-polymer mixture.
Srirangsan, P, Kawai, K, Hamada-Sato, N, Watanabe, M, and Suzuki, T, 201009

Food Chemistry, 119, 209-213

Stabilization of nucleoside phosphorylase-xanthine oxidase mixture in dried glassy matrices
Srirangsan, P, Kawai, K, Hamada-Sato, N, Takai, R, and Suzuki, T, 201009
Cryobiology and Cryotechnology, 56, 31-34

Effects of osmotic dehydration sheets on freshness parameters of Thunnus thynnus stored at cold temperatures.
K. Saito, N. Hamada-Sato, A. M. Ahhmed, S. Kawahara M. Muguruma, 201008
Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 34, 1103-1120

Isolation and Characterization of Marine and Terrestrial Actinomycetes Using a Medium Supplemented with NaCl
Chaki Imada, Syunpei Masuda, Takeshi Kobayashi,Naoko Hamada-Sato and Takuji Nakashima, 201007

Actinomycetologica, 24, 12-17

Improvement of fish freshness determination method by the application of amorphous freeze-dried enzymes
Srirangsan, P, Hamada-Sato, N, Kawai, K, Watanabe, M, Suzuki, T, 201006
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58, 12456-12461

Elucidation of IgE-binding epitopes of Ani s 1, the major Anisakis simplex allergen
Kobayashi Y, Ikeda K, Shiomi K, 201009

Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, 174, 128-131

Ameliorative effects of mulberry (Morus alba L.) leaves on hyperlipidemia in rats fed a high-fat diet: induction of fatty acid oxidation, inhibition of lipogenesis and suppression of oxidative stress
Kobayashi Y, Miyazawa M, Kamei A, Abe K, Kojima T, 201009

Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 74, 2385-2395

繁平有希, 猪又直子, 中河原怜子, 大川智子, 澤城晴名, 中村和子, 小林征洋, 塩見一雄, 池澤善郎, 201009
アレルギー, 59, 55-60

The use of Morus alba L. (mulberry) and Eucommia ulmoides (Tochu) leaves as functional foods: a promising approach in the management of hyperlipidemia
Kobayashi Y, Miyazawa M, Kojima T, 201008
Journal of Traditional Medicines, 27, 225-230

濱田(佐藤)奈保子,渡辺尚彦,関澤純, 200912
日本リスク研究学会 22回年次大会講演論文集, 13-17

関澤純,濱田(佐藤)奈保子,蒲生恵美,前田恭伸, 200912
日本リスク研究学会 22回年次大会講演論文集, 25-30

小原信夫,濱田(佐藤)奈保子,浦野直人, 浅沼進, 200908
日本フードシステム学会, 16, 112-117

Stabilization of xanthine oxidase and nucleoside phosphorylase enzyme mixture in dried glassy matrices
Paveena Srirangsan, Kiyoshi Kawai, Naoko Hamada-Sato, Toru Suzuki, 200908

Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 108(1), 110-110

濱田(佐藤)奈保子、中田絵里子、浅沼 進、渡辺悦生, 200907
FOOMA JAPAN 2009 研究要旨集, 16, 242-245

鈴木 徹、シリランサアン パウィナー、濱田(佐藤)奈保子、川井清司、渡辺 , 200907
FOOMA JAPAN 2009 研究要旨集, 16, 126-128

渡辺尚彦・濱田(佐藤)奈保子, 200812
日本リスク学会第21回年次大会発表予稿論文集, 379-384

Actinomycetal community structures in seawater and freshwater examined by DGGE analysis of 15S rRNA gene fragments
A. Yoshida, Y. Seo, S. Suzuki, T. Nishino, T. Kobayashi, N. Hamada-Sato, K. Kogure, and C. Imada, 200811
Marine Biotechnology, 10, 554-563

Quantitative Measurement of Metmyoglobin in Tuna Flesh via Electron Paramagnetic Resonance
Chotika Viriyarattanasak, Shingo Matsukawa, Naoko Hamada-Sato, Manabu Watanabe and Toru Suzuki, 200811
Food chemistry, 111, 1050-1056

Improved method of protoplast fusion between marine luminescent bacterium and Esherichia coli cultivated with fatty acid
E. Zhang, C. Imada, M. Kamata, T. Kobayashi, and N. Hamada-Sato, 200811
Fisheries Science, 74, 1290-1296

山田勝久、今田千秋、佐藤充克、小林武志、濱田(佐藤)奈保子, 200811
J.of ASEV. Jpn, 19, 2-9

Purification and determination of the chemical structure of the tyrosinase inhibitor produced by Trichoderma viride strain H1-7 from a marine environment
T. Tsuchiya, K. Yamada, K, Minoura, K. Miyamoto, Y. Usami, T. Kobayashi, N. Sato-Hamada, C. Imada, and H. Tsujibo, 200811
Bull. Pharm. Bull, 31, 1618-1620

Phenotypic characterization and cultivation conditions of inhibitor-producing fungus isolated from marine sediment
K. Yamada, C. Imada, M. Uchino, T. Kobayashi, N. Sato-Hamada, and K. Takano, 200811
Fisheris Science, 74, 662-669

Ani s 1, the major allergen of Anisakis simplex: purification by affinity chromatography and functional expression in Escherichia coli
Kobayashi Y, Ishizaki S, Nagashima Y, Shiomi K, 200809
Parasitology International, 57, 314-319

山田勝久、今田千秋、土屋孝弘、小林武志、濱田(佐藤)奈保子, 200711
日本化粧品技術者会誌, 41, 254-261

山田勝久,今田千秋,小林武志,濱田(佐藤)奈保子, 200709
日本食品科学工学会誌, Vol.54No.6, 274-279

Isolation and characterization of antibacterial substances produced by marine actinomycetes in the presence of seawater
Chiaki Imada, Naoko Koseki, Masazumi Kamata, Takeshi Kobayashi and Naoko Hamada-Sato, 200709

Actinomycetologica, Vol. 21, No.1, 27-31

Molecular cloning and expression of two new allergens from Anisakis simplex
Kobayashi Y, Ishizaki S, Shimakura K, Nagashima Y, Shiomi K, 200709

Parasitology Research, 100, 1233-1241

Purification and cDNA cloning of a new heat-stable allergen from Anisakis simplex
Kobayashi Y, Shimakura K, Ishizaki S, Nagashima Y, Shiomi K, 200709

Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, 155, 138-145

恩実,今田千秋,鎌田正純,小林武志, ,濱田(佐藤)奈保子, 200607
日本水産学会誌, 72, 744-746

Development of quality evaluation sensor for fish freshness control based on KI value
Etsuo Watanabe, Yasuko Tamada and Naoko Hamada-Sato, 200508

Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 21, 534-538

Degradation of ferric chelate of ethylenediaminetetra- acetic acid by bacterium isolated from deep-sea stalked barnacle
Chiaki Imada, Yohei Harada, Takeshi Kobayashi, Naoko Hamada-Sato and Etsuo Watanabe, 200507
Journal of Marine Biotechnology, 7, 21-25

Quality assurance of raw fish based on HACCP concept
Naoko Hamada-Sato, Kazushige Usui, Takeshi Kobayashi, Chiaki Imada and Etsuo Watanabe, 200504
Food Control, 16, 301-307

Development of agmatine sensor using the combination of putrescine oxidase and agmatinase for squid freshness
Yohei Inaba, Shinichi Tokishita, Naoko Hamada-Sato, Takeshi Kobayashi, Chiaki Imada, Hideo Yamagata and Etsuo Watanabe, 200411

Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 20, 833-840

濱田(佐藤)奈保子, 大熊廣一, 渡邉悦生, 200409
日本食品科学工学会誌, 51, 495-504

Effect of culture conditions on lactic acid production of Tetragenococcus species
Takeshi Kobayashi, Michika Kajiwara,Mita Wahyuni, Naoko Hamada-Sato, Chiaki Imada and Etsuo Watanabe, 200406

Journal of Applied Microbiology, 96, 1215-1221

Development of amperometric sensor system for measurement of diarrheic shellfish poisoning (DSP) toxin, okadaic acid (OA)
Naoko Hamada- Sato, Norihiro Minamitani, Yohei Inaba, Yuji NagashimaTakeshi Kobayashi, Chiaki Imada and Etsuo Watanabe, 200405
Sensors and Materials, 16, 99-107

Construction of a glucose sensor based on a screen-printed electrode and a novel mediator pyocyanin from Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Kunihiko Ohfuji, Naruhide Sato, Naoko Hamada-Sato, Takeshi Kobayashi, Chiaki Imada, Hirokazu Okuma and Etsuo Watanabe, 200405

Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 19, 1237-1244

Occurrence of a metalloprotease (thermolysin) inhibitor among Brevibacillus species and purification of such inhibitor from Brevibacillus reuszeri IFO 15719T
Takeshi Kobayashi, Naoji Nakagawa, Chiaki Imada, Naoko Hamada-Sato and Etsuo Watanabe, 200404

Fisheries Science, 70, 299-305

Application of a contact dehydrating sheet to the preparation of an immobilized- enzyme membrane for biosensor
Sachie Ogawa, Naoko Hamada-Sato, Takeshi Kobayashi, Chiaki Imada and Etsuo Watanabe, 200312
Journal of Packaging Science and Technology, 12, 351-360

Development of a D-alanine sensor for the monitoring of a fermentation using the improved selectivity by the combination of D-amino acid oxidase and pyruvate oxidase
Yohei Inaba, Kentaro Mizukami, Naoko Hamada-Sato, Takeshi Kobayashi, Chiaki Imada and Etsuo Watanabe, 200312
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 19, 423-431

Pseudo- alteromonas sagamiensis sp.nov, a marine bacterium that produces protease inhibitors
Takeshi Kobayashi, Chiaki Imada, Akira Hiraishi, Hiroshi Tsujibo, Naoko Hamada and Etsuo Watanabe, 200311
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 53, 1807-1811

濱田(佐藤)奈保子, 斉藤利則, 小林武志, 今田千秋, 渡邉悦生, 200311
日本調理科学会誌, 36, 354-359

Isolation and characterization of halophlic lactic acid bacteria isolated from "terasi" shrimp paste: A traditional fermented seafood product in Indonesia
Takeshi Kobayashi, Michika Kajiwara, Mita Wahyuni, Toshihide Kitakado, Naoko Hamada-Sato, Chiaki Imada and Etsuo Watanabe, 200310
Journal of General Applied Microbiology, 49, 279-286

Fermentation of molasses by several yeasts from hot spring drain and phylogeny of the unique isolate producing ethanol at 55
Ryohei Ueno, Naoko Hamada-Sato and Naoto Urano, 200309

Journal of Tokyo University of Fisheries, 90, 23-30

Development of an amperometric L-alanine sensor using L-amino acid oxidase from Neurospora crassa
Yohei Inaba, Nobumitsu Miyanishi, Naoko Hamada-Sato, Takeshi Kobayashi Chiaki Imada and Etsuo Watanabe, 200309
Sensors and Materials, 15, 225-238

Determination of D- and L- alanine concecntrations using a puruvic acid sensor
Yohei Inaba, Naoko Hamada-Sato, Takeshi Kobayashi, Chiaki Imada and Etsuo Watanabe, 200308
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 18, 963-971

The action modes of an extracellular β-1,3-glucanase isolated from Bacillus clausii NM-1 on β-1,3-gluco- oligosaccharides

Nobumitsu. Miyanishi, Yasuhito Matsubara, Naoko Hamada, Takeshi Kobayashi, Chiaki Imada and Etsuo Watanabe, 200307

Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 96, 32-37

今田 千秋, 小林武志, 濱田(佐藤)奈保子, 渡邉悦生, 200305
日本水産学会誌, 69, 347-351

小林武志, 大熊廣一, 大野康晴, 濱田(佐藤)奈保子, 今田千秋, 渡邉悦生, 200305
材料技術, 21, 109-117

エチレンジアミン四酢酸鉄キレート Fe-EDTA)の海洋細菌による分解
今田千秋, ひろみ, 小林武志, 櫻井美代子, 濱田 (佐藤) 奈保子, 渡邉悦生, 200304
水環境学会誌, 26, 231-235

Purification and characterization of a novel extracellular -1,3-glucanase produced by Bacillus clausii NM-1 isolated from Ezo Abalone Haliotis discus hannai
Nobumitsu Miyanishi, Naoko Hamada, Takeshi Kobayashi, Chiaki Imada and Etsuo Watanabe, 200301

Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 95, 45-51

Degradation of tributyltin by marine microorganisms in sediment collected from Tokyo Bay
Naoko Hamada-Sato, Takahiro Asuka, Takeshi Kobayashi, Kazuko MizuishiMasahiro Takeuchi and Etsuo Watanabe, 200212

Fisheries Science, 68, 643-644

濱田(佐藤)奈保子, 小林武志,今田千秋, 渡邉悦生, 200212
日本食品科学工学会誌, 49, 765-770

Utilization of lignocellulosic biomass Molecular analysis of cellulase genes from the white rot basidiomycete Irpex lacteus

Naoko Hamada-Sato, Yoshihiko Amano, Takahisa Kanda, Chiaki Imada, Takeshi Kobayashi and Etsuo Watanabe, 200208

Proceeding of the JSPS-DGHE international seminar on fisheries science in tropical area, 138-148

Decomposition of ferric chelate of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (Fe-EDTA) by marine bacteria
Chiaki Imada, Hiromi Azuma, TakeshiKobayashi, Naoko Hamada-Sato and Etsuo Watanabe, 200208
Proceeding of the JSPS-DGHE international seminar on fisheries science in tropical area, 267-276

Evaluation of the freshness-preserving effects of contact dehydration sheets on fish.
Naoko Hamada-Sato, Katsunori Saito, Takahiro Asuka, Takeshi Kobayashi, Chiaki Imada and Etsuo Watanabe, 200208
Proceeding of the JSPS-DGHE international seminar on fisheries science in tropical area, 233-240

Isolation and characterization of tyrosinase inhibitor-producing microorganisms from marine environment
Chiaki Imada, Takeshi Kobayashi, Naoko Hamada and Etsuo Watanabe, 200208

Proceeding of the JSPS-DGHE international seminar on fisheries science in tropical area, 156-164

Potentiometric selectivity coefficients of ion-selective electrodes Part II. Inorganic anions
Yoshio Umezawa, Kayoko Umezawa, Philippe Buhlmann, Naoko Hamada, Hiroshi Aoki, Jun Nakanishi, Moritoshi Sato, Kang Ping Xiao and Yukiko Nishimura, 200206
Pure and Applied Chemistry, 74, 923-994

Potentiometric selectivity coefficients of ion-selective electrodes PartIII. Organic ions
Yoshio Umezawa, Philippe Buhlmann, Kayoko Umezawa and Naoko Hamada, 200206
Pure and Applied Chemistry, 74, 995-1099

小林武志, 大熊廣一, 大野康晴, Eko N Dewi, 濱田奈保子,今田千秋, 200205
材料技術, 20, 109-114

Isolation and characterization of the interspecific fusants from Streptomycetes obtained using a liquid regeneration method
Chiaki Imada, Yuko Ikemoto, Takeshi Kobayashi, Naoko Hamada and Etsuo Watanabe, 200204

Fisheries Science, 68, 395-402

Isolation and characterization of tyrosinase inhibitor-producing microorganisms from marine environment
Chiaki Imada, Yuko Sugimoto, Tomoko Makimura, Takeshi Kobayashi, Naoko Hamada and Etsuo Watanabe, 200112
Fisheries Science, 67, 1151-1156

Role of cellulose-binding domain of exo-cellulase I from white rot basidiomycete Irpex lacteus
Naoko Hamada, Ritsuko Kodaira,Masahiro Nogawa, Kazunori Shinji, Rie Ito, Yoshihiko Amano, Makoto Shimosaka, Takahisa Kanda and Mitsuo Okazaki, 200104

Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 91, 359-362

Cloning and transcriptional analysis of exo- cellulase I gene from Irpex lacteus
Naoko Hamada and Ken Hirohash, 200103
Journal of Tokyo University of Fisheries, 87, 39-44

Characterization of a protease-resistant endotype-cellulase from the basidiomycete Irpex lacteus
Mitsuo Okazaki, Makoto Shimosaka, Nobuaki Hayashida, Ritsuko. Kodaira, Naoko Hamada, Naoki Fuse, Yoshihiko Amano and Takahisa Kanda, 200010

Proceeding of International Conference on Advanced Fiber Materials, 369-370

Cloning and characterization of an Ex-1(Exo-cellulase I) gene from the basidiomycete Irpex lacteus
Naoko Hamada, Naoki Fuse, Makoto Shimosaka, Yoshihiko Amano, Takahisa Kanda and Mitsuo Okazaki, 199909
Proceeding of International Symposium on Genetics, Biochemistry and Ecology of Cellulose Degradation, 381-389

Cloning and characterization of a new exo-cellulase gene, cel3, in Irpex lacteus
Naoko Hamada Naoki Fuse, Makoto Shimosaka, Ritsuko Kodaira, Yoshihiko Amano, Takahisa Kanda and Mitsuo Okazaki, 199906

FEMS Microbiology Letters, 172, 231-237

Purification, characterization and gene analysis of exo-cellulase II (Ex-2) from the white rot basidiomycete Irpex lacteus
Naoko Hamada, Kazuya Ishikawa, Naoki Fuse, Ritsuko Kodaira, Makoto Shimosaka, Yoshihiko Amano, Takahisa Kanda and Mitsuo Okazaki, 199904

Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 87, 442-451

Characterization of a protease-resistant endotype-cellulase from the basidiomycete Irpex lacteus
Naoko Hamada, Tsuneyuki Takeda, Yoshihiko Amano, Makoto Shimosaka, Takahisa Kanda and Mitsuo Okazaki, 199903
SEN'I GAKKISHI,, 55, 134-142

Isolation and transcriptional analysis of a cellulase gene (cel1) from the basidiomycete Irpex lacteus
Naoko Hamada, Ryo Okumura, Naoki Fuse, Makoto Shimosaka, Yoshihiko Amano, Takahisa Kanda and Mitsuo Okazaki, 199901

Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering,, 87, 97-102

Comparative study on the potentiometric responses between a valinomycin-based bilayer lipid membrane and a solvent polymeric membrane
Hirotsugu Minami, Naoko Sato, Masao Sugawara and Yoshio Umezawa, 199107

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