Origin and History
Origin and History
Origin and History
Origin and History
Project Themes
Project Themes
Experimental Devices
Experimental Devices
Policy and Curriculum
Policy and Curriculum
Staff members
Team members
To gain experience and discover potential
To gain experience and discover potential
Welcome to Lab
Welcome to Lab
Our goal is to develop small-scale, high-power, high-efficiency new marine machinery systems etc by applying materials related to energy such as superconductor. To achieve the goal our laboratory is open all year round. We are always looking for excellent and motivated PhD students and postdocs to join us. If you interested, please send your CV including motivation to us.
我々は超電導体をはじめとするエネルギーを取り扱うための高機能材料を利用して小形、高出力、高効率な新しい海洋機械システムを開発するを研究の目的としています。 我々の研究によって技術革新をもたらし、近い将来の社会のあり方を変えるべく、我々は日々厳しく、かつ楽しく研究に勤しんでいます。 当研究室では優秀で意欲的な学部学生・大学院生を募集しています。 研究室に興味のある学生は話を聞きに来て下さい。
Another Laboratory
Another Laboratory
The Device Engineering Laboratory was newly established after a part of the System Physics Engineering Laboratory on the Etchujima Campus moved to the Shinagawa Campus. You can check previous information on the homepage of the System Physics Laboratory.