Project Themes
What we do
Superconductivity is a peculiar physical properties that is not seen on a daily basis, and can minimize the power loss of a device and/or generate a strong magnetic field. Despite being discovered 100 years ago, this very useful natural phenomenon has not yet played a leading role in social infrastructure, mainly due to unresolved technical problems. With the background of physical knowledge, we are conducting research aiming at the practical application of superconductivity by combining various engineering technologies.
超電導は、低温下でみられる特別な物理現象であり、これを用いるとデバイスの電力損失を最小限に抑えたり、強力な磁場を利用することができます。 この非常に有用な現象は、100年余り前に発見されたにも関わらず、実用化の前に立ちはだかるいくつもの技術的課題の存在によって、未だに社会基盤として利活用される段階に至っていません。 我々は、物性物理学を背景に、様々な工学技術を組み合わせて超電導現象の実用化を目指した研究を行っています。

Superconducting rotating machine
A rotating machine is an energy device widely used in modern society as a motor or a generator regardless of industrial or consumer use. Increasing the efficiency of a rotating machine significantly reduces the loss of many devices. What is important for this is the magnitude of the magnetic flux density generated inside the rotating machine. Superconductors can take a larger amount of electromagnetic energy than conventional materials. Therefore, replacing the components in the rotating machine with superconductors can greatly improve the output of the rotating machine.

Magnetization technology
The superconducting bulk material captures a strong magnetic field by magnetization and can be used as a strong pseudo permanent magnet. The cooling magnetization method under a static magnetic field is used to obtain the maximum trapping magnetic field characteristic of the superconducting bulk material. The trapped magnetic flux density of 17.6T achieved to date is a strong magnetic field that is more than 10 times the 1.5T achievable with conventional permanent magnets. However, compared to motors and generators incorporating superconducting bulk materials, the shape, size, weight, and price of equipment required for magnetization are excessive. Therefore, we are conducting research on pulse magnetization technology with the aim of realizing practical magnetization.
超電導バルク材は着磁(磁化)により強磁場を捕捉し、強力な疑似永久磁石として使用することができます。 磁場中冷却による着磁は超電導バルク材の持つ最大の捕捉磁場能力を得るために用いられる着磁方法です。 現在までに達成された17.6Tという捕捉磁束密度は、従来の永久磁石において達成可能な1.5Tの10倍を超える強磁場です。 しかし、磁場中冷却による着磁のために要する機器の形状と寸法、重量、価格は、超電導バルク材を組み込むモータや発電機と同程度以上のため、実用化に際しての足枷となります。 そこで我々は、超電導機器の実用化のために、安価で容易な着磁の実現を目指してパルス着磁技術に関する研究を進めています。
Tidal stream generator
Since tidal stream is mainly caused by the gravitational pull of the sun and moon, they are largely unaffected by weather and climate. Therefore, unlike wind and solar power, tidal stream power generation can predict the amount of electricity generated by it in advance. The new tidal stream generators, which we call undulator-type, generate power from the undulation of the membrane that receives the tidal stream, and can generate power even when the current is up to one-fifth slower than conventional generators. The small undulator-type tidal stream generators could be installed and operated over a wide area along the coast of Japan. They are suitable for use as power sources for small-scale port facilities and main power sources on islands, and can also be used as emergency power sources in times of disaster.

Cooling system
In the cooling system, the main cryogen of neon gas can mix with helium gas, which lets the evaporator stabilse around 40 K even if rotating at 90 rpm with a 90 W heat load, for example. The improved cryo-mechanical motor/generator with the improved HTS bulks will encou- rage further development of the present rotating machines.

HTS bulk material processing
Chemical doping is considered as an economic and effective method to enhance the flux pinning properties of high-temperature superconducting materials. However, it is difficult to realize a large doping amount in textured grown bulk superconductors since the doped particles are prone to accumulate and affect the melt-textured growth of the bulk superconductors. We introduced nanosized ZrO2 particles into the GdBCO through the external liquid source by infiltration method. Improvement in the trapped field has been found for low-level doped samples.
臨界温度90KのREBCO高温超電導材料は、短いコヒーレンス長と大きな異方性を持ち、その結晶粒界は弱結合として機能するため、JCの減少を伴いピン止め力を低下させる可能性があります。 化学ドーピングは磁束ピン止め特性を強化する経済的かつ効果的な方法と考えられていますが、ドープされた粒子はバルク超電導体の溶融成長に対して影響を与える傾向があるため、バルク超電導体に大きなドーピング量を実現することは難しいです。 そこで我々は浸潤法によって外部液体源からナノサイズのZrO2粒子をGd-Ba-Cu-Oサンプルに導入しました。その結果、低ドーピング量のサンプルでも捕捉磁場特性が改善されました。