Historical note

Laboratory from Past to Present
Our laboratory is a laboratory of energy devices in a broad sense of applying materials related to energy such as superconductivity to marine machinery systems etc.
Education and research on superconductivity began in 1986 when Prof. Izumi transferred from Department of Physics in the University of Tsukuba to the Nagasaki University and then to the Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine.
The laboratory at that time had equipment for X-ray diffraction and electric furnaces, and started with research on materials mainly for joint research, and now Prof. Ida, who works as a professor, was sharing research life as a student.
Since we started joint research with Kitano Seiki Co., Ltd. with the aim of developing a motor for ship propulsion for electric propulsion ships in 2002, with the understanding of the university and related parties, we are continuing to promote our ongoing research and development on superconducting rotating machines.
On the other hand, Prof. Ida conducted nanoelectronics research at RIKEN, and subsequently moved to National Institute of Technology (KOSEN), Hiroshima College in 2003.
We formed a research group in applied superconsuctivity, Prof. Izumi took charge of research supervision and cryogenic system and mechanical system, and Prof. Ida took charge of electric system and measurement system to promote research.
Research Group in Applied Superconductivity prototyped the axial type first unit in 2003, the second unit in 2004, and the twin rotor type third unit in 2005, and carried out a rotation test.
Since then, We has been producing alumni while working on joint research and development of industry-academia-government in both wire rod and bulk material, and also research and development in collaboration with industry and academia with foreign countries.
Graduates who have left a footprint in the laboratory are active in universities in Japan and abroad, heavy industry, electrical industry, machinery industry and other industries.
Since the development of the superconducting rotating machine has become a major theme, it is a comprehensive research laboratory to the extent that names such as cryogenics, mechanical systems engineering or electronic mechanical engineering is suitable as well as electromagnetism. But we always keep in mind that physics is the basis of all our research.
From 2016, Prof. Izumi and Prof. Ida have organized a new research system at the Department of Marine Resources and Energy established at TUMSAT.
Chronology of History
Year 年度 | Event 出来事 | |
1986 | Mitsuru Izumi, D.Sc. arrived at the Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine as an associate professor from the Nagasaki University. 和泉充先生 (理学博士) が長崎大学から東京商船大学に助教授として着任。 |
Structure of high-temperature superconductor, ESR of organic charge transfer complex. 超伝導体を含む銅酸化物の構造, 有機電荷移動錯体のESR測定 |
1989 | Prof. Izumi got a Bourses du gouvernement français (French government scholarships) and went on a business trip for 18 months. 和泉先生はフランス政府給付により18ヶ月間の在外研究に従事。 | Structure of conductive Langmuir-Blodgett films 導電性ラングミュア-ブロジェット膜の構造 |
1989-90 | Prof. Izumi CNRS Foreign Researcher (Chemistry, DR2) France CNRS CRPP [Bordeaux] 和泉先生はCNRS外国人研究員 (化学, DR2) のポストを得て, フランスCNRS CRPP (ボルドー) に滞在。 | |
1990 | Hitoshi Ohnuki, M.Sc. arrived as an assistant (now a professor with a doctorate) from the University of Tsukuba. 大貫等先生 (理学修士, 現在は博士号取得) が筑波大学から助手として着任。 | |
1991 | Research on conductive LB films had started. 導電性LB膜の研究開始。 | |
The first students belonged to the laboratory and were directed research. はじめて学生が研究室へ所属して, 研究指導を受けた。 | ||
1995 | We started research on the photo-induced effect of ferromagnetic oxides. 強磁性酸化物の光誘起効果の研究開始。 | |
1996 | A method for producing metallic LB films based on BEDO-TTF and fatty acid was discovered. BEDO-TTFと脂肪酸をベースとした金属LB膜の作製法を発見。 | Acquiring domestic priority for patents, US and European patents. 国内特許, 米国特許, 欧州特許の出願 |
1997 | Tetsuya Ida completed the master's program, and entered the doctoral program at the Chiba University and began research at RIKEN. 井田徹哉先生が修士課程を修了し(工学修士), 研究室を離れた(千葉大学大学院博士課程へ進学, 理化学研究所で研究を開始)。 | |
1999 | Filed a national priority patent for the photo-induced effect of ferromagnetic oxides. 強磁性酸化物の光誘起効果に関する国内特許を出願。 | |
Prof. Ohnuki was awarded a doctoral degree from the University of Tsukuba. 大貫先生が博士号を取得(筑波大学)。 | ||
2000 | Osami Yanagisawa was the first in our laboratory to receive a doctoral degree. He became one of the first students in the doctoral course at the Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine. 柳沢修実先生が, 東京商船大学(現東京海洋大学)の博士課程一期生として, 当研究室で初めて博士号を授与された。 | Prof. Yanagisawa obtained a tenured position at the National Institute of Technology (KOSEN), Yuge College. 柳沢先生は国立高等専門学校機構弓削商船高等専門学校に職を得て常勤教員となった |
2002 | High sensitivity of near-infrared light was found in ferromagnetic oxides. 強磁性酸化物に近赤外光に対する高い受光感度を見い出した。 | Applied for a national priority patent and US patent. 国内特許と米国特許を出願 |
Research on electric propulsion using high temperature superconductivity was started. 高温超電導材料を利用した同期回転機の研究を開始。 | ||
In collaboration with Kitano Seiki, we started research on bulk high-temperature superconducting field magnets and synchronous machines for pod propulsion. 北野精機株式会社と共同で, バルク高温超電導界磁石とポッド推進用同期電動機の研究を開始。 | ||
Research on electric propulsion systems for next-generation ships has started. 次世代船舶用電気推進システムの研究を開始。 | ||
2003 | Research into device development and property development of metal oxides exhibiting near-infrared induced magnetism at room temperature. 室温で近赤外光照射により磁性を発現する金属酸化物のデバイス開発と物性開発に関する研究。 | |
Proposal of new magnetization technique and synchronous machine field structure of high temperature superconductor bulk magnet. 高温超電導バルク磁石の新しい着磁方法と同期機の磁場構造を提案。 | Filed a national priority patent and US patent. 国内特許と米国特許を出願 | |
Started application research of high-temperature superconducting magnetic purification equipment in the marine field. (in collaboration with Hitachi, Ltd.) 海洋分野における高温超電導磁気浄化装置の応用研究を開始。(日立製作所との共同研究)。 |
Started basic research on bulk high-temperature superconducting propulsion motors and propulsers (in collaboration with Kitano Seiki Co. Ltd.) バルク高温超電導推進モータおよび推進機の基礎研究を開始(北野精機株式会社との共同研究)。 |
Completion of the first bulk high-temperature superconducting propulsion motor. 世界初のバルク型高温超電導推進モーターが完成。 | ||
Prof. Ida got a job at the National Institute of Technology, Hiroshima College and resumed joint full-scaled research with the laboratory. 井田先生は国立高等専門学校機構広島商船高等専門学校に職を得て, 研究室との共同研究を本格に再開した。 |
Start of research on pulsed magnetic field magnetization of high-temperature superconductors.
パルス着磁による高温超伝導材料の 強磁場捕捉に関する研究を開始 |
2004 | The laboratory name was changed from Applied Physics Laboratory to Systems Applied Physics Laboratory. 研究室名を応用物理研究室からシステム応用物理研究室に変更した。 |
The Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine and the Tokyo University of Fisheries have been merged into the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (TUMSAT).
東京商船大学と東京水産大学が統合し, 東京海洋大学が発足した |
High temperature superconducting bulk propulsion motor unit 2 was completed. 船舶推進用高温超電導バルク同期モータ2号機の完成。 | ||
2005 | Started development of wire superconducting motor with subsidy from Japan Railway Construction, Transport and Technology Agency. 鉄道建設・運輸施設整備支援機構の助成を受けて, 線材超電導電動機の開発に着手。 | |
High temperature superconducting bulk propulsion motor unit 3 was completed. 船舶推進用高温超電導バルク同期モータ3号機の完成。 | ||
Organized the 5th International Workshop on Processing and Applications of Superconducting [RE]BCO Large Grain Materials (PASREG). 第5回超電導[RE]BCO大粒径線材の加工と応用に関する国際ワークショップ(PASREG)を主催。 | ||
2011 | Obtained a domestic patent for an optimized magnetizing method for superconductors. 特許4793801「超電導体への最適化された着磁方法」を取得。 | |
2016 | Prof. Ida arrived at the Shinagawa Campus of the TUMSAT from the NIT, Hiroshima College. 井田先生が東京海洋大学に採用され, 品川キャンパスに着任。 | |
2017 | In the newly established Faculty of Marine Resources and Environment at the TUMSAT, our laboratory was set up as Device Engineering Laboratory. Prof. Ohnuki remains at the Etchujima Campus to run his own laboratory. 東京海洋大学に新設された海洋資源環境学部において, システム応用物理研究室の超電導部門をデバイス工学研究室として開設。 | |
A new high-temperature superconducting bulk synchronous rotating machine developed jointly by ABB and NSSMC was released. 当研究室とABB, そして日本製鉄株式会社の共同開発による, ラジアルギャップ型高温超電導バルク同期回転機の完成。 | ||
2019 | Research and development of an undulator-type tidal power generation system and linear power generation modules has begun. アンジュレータ型潮流発電システムとリニア発電モジュールの研究開発開始。 | |
2020 | Applied for a domestic patent, a US patent and a European patent for a radial gap synchronous motor. ラジアルギャップ型同期回転機について特許出願。 | |
2021 | Prof. Izumi retired from the TUMSAT, and was appointed professor emeritus and visiting professor. 和泉先生が東京海洋大学を退職, 名誉教授・客員教授を拝命。 | |
2022 | We applied for a patent for the multilayered Halbach array, which is the result of our graduation research. 卒業研究の成果である複層ハルバッハ配列に関する特許を出願。 |